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Deciphering voids in Dasycladales, the case of Dragastanella transylvanica, a new Lower Cretaceous triploporellacean genus and species from Romania
Journal of Paleontology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-27 , DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2021.40
Filippo Barattolo , Ioan I. Bucur , Alexandru V. Marian

Dragastanella transylvanica n. gen. n. sp. is described. Its calcified skeleton contains numerous voids, partly related to the molds of soft parts of the alga, but also related to lack of calcification. Interpretation of these voids, especially their attribution to original structures (e.g., primary lateral versus reproductive organ), has important implications for the taxonomic position of the alga, even at the family level. Examination of key sections that include the boundary between sterile and fertile parts of the alga excludes the occurrence of external reproductive organs. Unusual, paired pores in the outer part of the mineralized skeleton reflect an asymmetry within the whorl, excluding the presence of secondary laterals. The alga is characterized by a cylindrical to club-shaped thallus bearing only phloiophorous primary laterals arranged in whorls and flaring outwards, forming a cortex. Mineralized lenticular reproductive organs containing cysts set in the equatorial plane (Russoella-type gametophores) occur inside primary laterals (cladosporous arrangement of the reproductive organs). These characters support establishment of the new genus Dragastanella. Dragastanella transylvanica n. gen. n. sp. resembles species previously referred to Zittelina (Zittelina hispanica and Zittelina massei) and Triploporella (Triploporella matesina and Triploporella carpatica). Except for Triploporella carpatica, whose mineralized skeleton does not permit confident attribution to either Triploporella or Dragastanella n. gen., the other species must be ascribed to Dragastanella n. gen. Therefore, the following new combinations are proposed: Dragastanella hispanica n. comb., Dragastanella massei n. comb., and Dragastanella matesina n. comb. Despite widely overlapping biometrical measurements, these species can be differentiated by the size and location of their reproductive organs, the pattern of calcification around the primary laterals, and relationships among structural parameters such as the size of laterals, number of laterals per whorl, and distance between whorls.


破译 Dasycladales 中的空隙,以 Dragastanella transylvanica 为例,这是一种来自罗马尼亚的下白垩统新三孔虫属和种

龙舌兰n. 将军 n. sp。被描述。它的钙化骨架中含有大量空隙,部分与藻类柔软部位的霉菌有关,但也与缺乏钙化有关。对这些空隙的解释,特别是它们对原始结构的归属(例如,初级侧向器官与生殖器官),对藻类的分类位置具有重要意义,即使在家庭水平上也是如此。检查包括藻类不育和可育部分之间边界的关键部分,排除了外部生殖器官的出现。矿化骨架外部不寻常的成对孔反映了螺纹内的不对称性,不包括次生侧支的存在。藻类的特征是圆柱形到棒状的菌体,仅带有以螺旋形式排列并向外张开的有生皮的初级侧枝,形成皮层。含有位于赤道平面的囊肿的矿化透镜状生殖器官(罗素拉型配子体)出现在初级侧枝(生殖器官的枝孢排列)内。这些特征支持新属的建立德拉加斯塔内拉.龙舌兰n. 将军 n. sp。类似于以前提到的物种齐特利娜(西班牙紫锥花Zittelina massei) 和三孢菌(马蹄藻三胞菌)。除了三胞菌,其矿化骨架不允许有把握地归因于三孢菌要么德拉加斯塔内拉n. gen.,其他物种必须归因于德拉加斯塔内拉n. 将军 因此,提出以下新组合:西班牙龙胆n. 梳子。,马赛龙n. 梳,和龙胆草n. 梳子。尽管生物特征测量广泛重叠,但这些物种可以通过其生殖器官的大小和位置、主要侧枝周围的钙化模式以及结构参数之间的关系(如侧枝大小、每轮的侧枝数和距离)来区分螺纹之间。