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Characterisation of biological growth curves of different varieties of an endangered native hen breed kept under free range conditions
Italian Journal of Animal Science ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-27 , DOI: 10.1080/1828051x.2021.1915190
Antonio González Ariza 1 , Sergio Nogales Baena 1 , Teresa Marta Lupi 2 , Ander Arando Arbulu 1 , Francisco Javier Navas González 1, 3 , José Manuel León Jurado 4 , Juan Vicente Delgado Bermejo 1 , María Esperanza Camacho Vallejo 3


The aim of this study is to model the growth samples of four varieties (White, Black, Partridge, Franciscan) of Spanish Utrerana hen breed, which is endangered, by using Brody, Von Bertalanffy, Verhulst, Logistic and Gompertz models. For this purpose, a total of 16,235 weight data observations from 2004 animals reared in free range system were collected. Logistic was the best suited model for predicting the biological growth curve of White variety in both sexes, while Von Bertalanffy was the best fitting model for the rest of individuals of the breed, based on the 5 goodness-of-fit and flexibility criteria: Pseudo-R2, mean squared error, Akaike information criterion, Bayesian information criterion and the biological coherence of the estimated parameters. Black variety was the heaviest, with values of 2605.96 and 2032.61 g (for males and females, respectively) for a parameter, while White variety presented the lowest maturity weight (a = 2442.99 and 1874.24 g, for males and females, respectively). Conclusively, this growth characterisation is essential for the conservation of the Utrerana hen, to search for new market niches and a greater profitability to this differentiated product.

  • Highlights
  • Non-linear models can explain the Utrerana hen growth.

  • Females reach maturity earlier than males.

  • Utrerana hen shows a strong sexual dimorphism.




这项研究的目的是通过使用Brody,Von Bertalanffy,Verhulst,Logistic和Gompertz模型来模拟濒临灭绝的西班牙Utrerana母鸡四个品种(白色,黑色,Part,方济各会)的生长样本。为此,收集了来自2004年在自由放养系统中饲养的动物的16,235份体重数据。根据5个拟合优度和柔韧性标准,Logistic是预测男女两性白种生物生长曲线的最合适模型,而Von Bertalanffy是该品种其余个体的最合适模型,基于5个拟合优度和柔韧性标准:Pseudo - - [R 2,均方误差,Akaike信息准则,贝叶斯信息准则和估计参数的生物学相干性。黑色品种是最重的,具有2605.96和2032.61克值(对于男性和女性,分别地)用于一个参数,而白色品种(呈现最低的成熟重一个 分别= 2442.99和1874.24克,男性和女性)。最终,这种增长特征对于保护乌特勒那纳母鸡,寻找新的市场利基和提高这种差异化产品的利润率至关重要。

  • 强调
  • 非线性模型可以解释Utrerana母鸡的生长。

  • 女性比男性提前成熟。

  • Utrerana母鸡表现出强烈的性二态性。
