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‘It can be difficult to find the right words’: Parents’ needs when breaking news and communicating to children with cancer and their siblings
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-27 , DOI: 10.1080/07347332.2021.1890305
Méabh Kenny 1 , Katie Duffy 1 , Carol Hilliard 2 , Mary O'Rourke 3 , Gillian Fortune 4 , Owen Smith 5 , Geralyn Hynes 1 , Agnes Higgins 1



This paper explores parents’ experiences of breaking news and communicating to the child with cancer and their siblings, and identifies the supports parents request to help them in this role. This paper represents one component of a wider action research study which employed mixed methods to explore supports needed by parents of children with a cancer diagnosis in the Republic of Ireland.

Research Design

This paper reports on the survey phase of the study, which involved the distribution of a postal survey to 550 families of children in cancer treatment and remission. This survey included four open-ended questions exploring parents’ experiences of breaking news and communicating about the illness to the ill child and his/her siblings. Descriptive statistics on the profile of the parents were generated with computer software package SPSS and qualitative responses were analyzed using the survey questions as the initial framework.


Parents identified four interventions that helped ease the distress of these difficult conversations: coaching, resources, team engagement, and play therapy. Parents expressed concern for siblings, describing them as “suffering” and “forgotten”. Parents requested four sibling-specific interventions: the creation of resources for siblings, therapeutic support, coaching for parent-sibling conversations, standardize a family meeting with the multi-disciplinary team that includes siblings.

Implications for Psychosocial Providers

This paper demonstrates how the practical supports requested by parents which are consistent with the principles embedded within the internationally defined psychosocial standards of care could be translated into practice when supporting parents to communicate with children in the context of pediatric cancer.







本文报告了该研究的调查阶段,其中涉及向 550 个接受癌症治疗和缓解的儿童家庭分发邮寄调查。这项调查包括四个开放式问题,探讨父母在突发新闻和向生病的孩子及其兄弟姐妹传达疾病方面的经历。使用计算机软件包 SPSS 生成有关父母概况的描述性统计数据,并使用调查问题作为初始框架分析定性回答。




