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Cassius Dio's figures for the demographic consequences of the Bar Kokhba War: Exaggeration or reliable account?
Journal of Roman Archaeology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-27 , DOI: 10.1017/s1047759421000271
Dvir Raviv , Chaim Ben David

Scholars have long doubted the historical accuracy of Cassius Dio's account of the consequences of the Bar Kokhba War (Roman History 69.14). According to this text, considered the most reliable literary source for the Second Jewish Revolt, the war encompassed all of Judea: the Romans destroyed 985 villages and 50 fortresses, and killed 580,000 rebels. This article reassesses Cassius Dio's figures by drawing on new evidence from excavations and surveys in Judea, Transjordan, and the Galilee. Three research methods are combined: an ethno-archaeological comparison with the settlement picture in the Ottoman Period, comparison with similar settlement studies in the Galilee, and an evaluation of settled sites from the Middle Roman Period (70–136 CE). The study demonstrates the potential contribution of the archaeological record to this issue and supports the view of Cassius Dio's demographic data as a reliable account, which he based on contemporaneous documentation.


Cassius Dio 的关于 Bar Kokhba 战争的人口后果的数据:夸张还是可靠的说法?

长期以来,学者们一直怀疑 Cassius Dio 对 Bar Kokhba 战争后果的描述的历史准确性(罗马历史69.14)。根据这个被认为是第二次犹太人起义最可靠的文学来源的文本,这场战争涵盖了整个犹太:罗马人摧毁了 985 个村庄和 50 个堡垒,并杀死了 580,000 名叛军。本文通过利用来自犹太、外约旦和加利利的发掘和调查的新证据,重新评估了 Cassius Dio 的人物。结合了三种研究方法:与奥斯曼时期的定居点图片进行民族考古比较,与加利利的类似定居点研究进行比较,以及对中罗马时期(公元 70-136 年)定居点的评估。该研究证明了考古记录对该问题的潜在贡献,并支持将 Cassius Dio 的人口统计数据视为可靠账户的观点,他基于同时期的文件。