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Impact of Timanian thrust systems on the late Neoproterozoic–Phanerozoic tectonic evolution of the Barents Sea and Svalbard
Solid Earth ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-27 , DOI: 10.5194/se-2021-71
Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl , Craig Magee , Ingrid M. Anell

Abstract. The Svalbard Archipelago is composed of three basement terranes that record a complex Neoproterozoic–Phanerozoic tectonic history, including four contractional events (Grenvillian, Caledonian, Ellesmerian, and Eurekan) and two episodes of collapse- to rift-related extension (Devonian–Carboniferous and late Cenozoic). These three terranes are thought to have accreted during the early–mid Paleozoic Caledonian and Ellesmerian orogenies. Yet recent geochronological analyses show that the northwestern and southwestern terranes of Svalbard both record an episode of amphibolite (–eclogite) facies metamorphism in the latest Neoproterozoic, which may relate to the 650–550 Ma Timanian Orogeny identified in northwestern Russia, northern Norway and the Russian Barents Sea. However, discrete Timanian structures have yet to be identified in Svalbard and the Norwegian Barents Sea. Through analysis of seismic reflection, and regional gravimetric and magnetic data, this study demonstrates the presence of continuous, several kilometers thick, NNE-dipping, deeply buried thrust systems that extend thousands of kilometers from northwestern Russia to northeastern Norway, the northern Norwegian Barents Sea, and the Svalbard Archipelago. The consistency in orientation and geometry, and apparent linkage between these thrust systems and those recognized as part of the Timanian Orogeny in northwestern Russia and Novaya Zemlya suggests that the mapped structures are likely Timanian. If correct, these findings would indicate that Svalbard’s three basement terranes and the Barents Sea were accreted onto northern Norway during the Timanian Orogeny and should, hence, be attached to Baltica and northwestern Russia in future Neoproterozoic–early Paleozoic plate tectonics reconstructions. In the Phanerozoic, the study suggests that the interpreted Timanian thrust systems represented major preexisting zones of weakness that were reactivated, folded, and overprinted by (i.e., controlled the formation of new) brittle faults during later tectonic events. These faults are still active at present and can be linked to folding and offset of the seafloor.



摘要。斯瓦尔巴群岛由三个地下地层组成,它们记录了复杂的新元古代-古生代构造历史,包括四个收缩事件(Grenvillian,Caledonian,Ellesmerian和Eurekan)和两次塌陷-裂谷相关的扩张(Devonian-Carboniferous和晚期)新生代)。据认为,这三个地体在古生代古苏格兰和Ellesmerian造山带的早期至中期都已增生。然而,最近的地质年代学分析表明,斯瓦尔巴德群岛的西北和西南地块都记录了最新新元古代的闪长岩(榴辉岩)相变质,这可能与俄罗斯西北部,挪威北部和北部的650-550 Ma Timanian造山运动有关。俄罗斯巴伦支海。然而,斯瓦尔巴群岛和挪威巴伦支海尚未发现离散的Timanian结构。通过对地震反射以及区域重力和磁数据的分析,该研究表明存在着连续的,几千米厚的,NNE浸入的,深埋的推力系统,这些推力系统从俄罗斯西北部延伸到挪威东北部,挪威北部巴伦支海数千公里,以及斯瓦尔巴群岛。方向和几何形状的一致性,以及这些推力系统与俄罗斯西北部和诺瓦亚·泽姆利亚(Timanian Zemlya)被认为是提马尼亚造山运动的一部分的推力系统之间的明显联系,表明映射的结构很可能是提马尼亚。如果正确的话 这些发现表明,在Timanian造山运动期间,斯瓦尔巴德群岛的三个地下地层和巴伦支海已被吸积到挪威北部,因此,在未来的新元古代—早古生代板块构造重建中,应将其附着于波罗的海和俄罗斯西北部。在古生代,研究表明,经解释的Timanian逆冲系统代表了主要的弱势带,在以后的构造事件中被弱化断层重新激活,折叠和覆盖(即,控制了新的脆性断层的形成)。这些断层目前仍处于活动状态,并可能与海床的折叠和偏移有关。该研究表明,经解释的Timanian逆冲系统代表了先前存在的主要弱化带,这些弱化带在以后的构造事件中被脆性断层重新激活,折叠和覆盖(即,控制了新的脆性断层的形成)。这些断层目前仍处于活动状态,并可能与海床的折叠和偏移有关。该研究表明,经解释的Timanian逆冲系统代表了先前存在的主要弱化带,这些弱化带在以后的构造事件中被脆性断层重新激活,折叠和覆盖(即,控制了新的脆性断层的形成)。这些断层目前仍处于活动状态,并可能与海床的折叠和偏移有关。