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NIMBYism as a barrier to housing and social mix in San Francisco
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10901-021-09857-6
Georgina McNee 1 , Dorina Pojani 1

We explore the participation levels of NIMBY (‘Not In My Backyard’) proponents versus other voices at public hearings San Francisco, a city with an exceptionally dire housing crisis. Once very diverse, radical, and bohemian, San Francisco has become the most expensive city in the US, which caters to a wealthy minority—heavily connected to the tech industries of the neighboring Silicon Valley. Taking a qualitative approach, we review videos of planning commission meetings between 2018 and 2019 in San Francisco in which housing development proposals are considered. We find that NIMBYism continues to dominate the dialog at public hearings on development proposals. Planning meetings appear to be dominated by older, white, and financially stable residents, and this is a major (though not sole) barrier to the city’s social mix.



我们在旧金山的公共听证会上探讨了 NIMBY(“不在我的后院”)支持者与其他声音的参与程度,旧金山是一个住房危机异常严重的城市。旧金山曾经非常多元化、激进和波西米亚风格,现在已成为美国最昂贵的城市,它迎合了少数富有的人——与邻近的硅谷的科技产业密切相关。我们采用定性方法,回顾了 2018 年至 2019 年间在旧金山举行的规划委员会会议的视频,其中考虑了住房开发提案。我们发现,邻避主义继续在关于发展提案的公开听证会上主导对话。规划会议似乎由年长者、白人和经济状况稳定的居民主导,这是城市社会结构的主要(尽管不是唯一)障碍。
