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In the Name of Racial Justice: Why Bioethics Should Care about Environmental Toxins
Hastings Center Report ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1002/hast.1251
Keisha Ray

Facilities that emit hazardous toxins, such as toxic landfills, oil refineries, and chemical plants, are disproportionately located in predominantly Black, Latinx, and Indigenous neighborhoods. Environmental injustices like these threaten just distribution of health itself, including access to health that is not dependent on having the right skin color, living in the right neighborhood, or making the right amount of money. Facilities that emit environmental toxins wrongly make people's race, ethnicity, income, and neighborhood essential to who is allowed to breathe clean air and drink clean water, and thus, who is allowed to be healthy. This can be seen in the environmental crises in Louisiana; Mississippi; Houston, Texas; and Flint, Michigan. Since bioethics purports to concern itself with the principle of justice as applied to individuals and increasingly to populations, the field ought to concern itself more with environmental injustice.



排放有害毒素的设施,如有毒垃圾填埋场、炼油厂和化工厂,不成比例地位于黑人、拉丁裔和土著社区。像这样的环境不公正威胁到健康本身的公正分配,包括获得不依赖于拥有合适的肤色、居住在合适的社区或赚到合适的钱的健康。排放环境毒素的设施错误地使人们的种族、民族、收入和社区成为允许谁呼吸清洁空气和饮用清洁水以及谁被允许健康的关键。这可以从路易斯安那州的环境危机中看出;密西西比州;休斯敦,德克萨斯州; 和密歇根州弗林特。.