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A Comparison of Match Demands Using Ball-in-Play versus Whole Match Data in Professional Soccer Players of the English Championship
Sports ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: 10.3390/sports9060076
Dylan Mernagh 1 , Anthony Weldon 2 , Josh Wass 3 , John Phillips 4 , Nimai Parmar 5 , Mark Waldron 6 , Anthony Turner 5

This is the first study to report the whole match, ball-in-play (BiP), ball-out-of-play (BoP), and Max BiP (worst case scenario phases of play) demands of professional soccer players competing in the English Championship. Effective playing time per soccer game is typically <60 min. When the ball is out of play, players spend time repositioning themselves, which is likely less physically demanding. Consequently, reporting whole match demands may under-report the physical requirements of soccer players. Twenty professional soccer players, categorized by position (defenders, midfielders, and forwards), participated in this study. A repeated measures design was used to collect Global Positioning System (GPS) data over eight professional soccer matches in the English Championship. Data were divided into whole match and BiP data, and BiP data were further sub-divided into different time points (30–60 s, 60–90 s, and >90 s), providing peak match demands. Whole match demands recorded were compared to BiP and Max BiP, with BiP data excluding all match stoppages, providing a more precise analysis of match demands. Whole match metrics were significantly lower than BiP metrics (p < 0.05), and Max BiP for 30–60 s was significantly higher than periods between 60–90 s and >90 s. No significant differences were found between positions. BiP analysis allows for a more accurate representation of the game and physical demands imposed on professional soccer players. Through having a clearer understanding of maximum game demands in professional soccer, practitioners can design more specific training methods to better prepare players for worst case scenario passages of play.



这是第一项报告职业足球运动员在比赛中的整体比赛,球上比赛(BiP),球外比赛(BoP)和Max BiP(最恶劣情况下的比赛阶段)需求的研究。英国冠军。每场足球比赛的有效比赛时间通常少于60分钟。当球失控时,球员会花一些时间重新定位自己,这对身体的要求可能会降低。因此,报告全场比赛需求可能会低估足球运动员的身体需求。按位置分类的20名职业足球运动员(后卫,中场和前锋)参加了这项研究。重复测量设计用于收集英语锦标赛中八场职业足球比赛的全球定位系统(GPS)数据。数据分为整体比赛和BiP数据,和BiP数据进一步细分为不同的时间点(30–60 s,60–90 s和> 90 s),从而提供了峰值匹配需求。将记录的整个比赛需求与BiP和Max BiP进行比较,BiP数据排除了所有比赛停顿,从而提供了对比赛需求的更精确分析。整体比赛指标明显低于BiP指标(p <0.05),并且30-60 s内的最大BiP显着高于60-90 s和> 90 s之间的时间。职位之间没有发现显着差异。BiP分析可以更准确地表示比赛和对职业足球运动员的身体要求。通过对专业足球的最大比赛需求有更清晰的了解,从业人员可以设计更具体的训练方法,以更好地为球员准备最坏的比赛场景。