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Non-Wilson-Fisher kinks of $O(N)$ numerical bootstrap: from the deconfined phase transition to a putative new family of CFTs
SciPost Physics ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: 10.21468/scipostphys.10.5.115
Yin-Chen He 1 , Junchen Rong 2 , Ning Su 3

It is well established that the $O(N)$ Wilson-Fisher (WF) CFT sits at a kink of the numerical bounds from bootstrapping four point function of $O(N)$ vector. Moving away from the WF kinks, there indeed exists another family of kinks (dubbed non-WF kinks) on the curve of $O(N)$ numerical bounds. Different from the $O(N)$ WF kinks that exist for arbitary $N$ in $2<d<4$ dimensions, the non-WF kinks exist in arbitrary dimensions but only for a large enough $N>N_c(d)$ in a given dimension $d$. In this paper we have achieved a thorough understanding for few special cases of these non-WF kinks. The first case is the $O(4)$ bootstrap in 2d, where the non-WF kink turns out to be the $SU(2)_1$ Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) model, and all the $SU(2)_{k>2}$ WZW models saturate the numerical bound on the left side of the kink. We further carry out dimensional continuation of the 2d $SU(2)_1$ kink towards the 3d $SO(5)$ deconfined phase transition. We find the kink disappears at around $d=2.7$ dimensions indicating the $SO(5)$ deconfined phase transition is weakly first order. The second interesting observation is, the $O(2)$ bootstrap bound does not show any kink in 2d ($N_c=2$), but is surprisingly saturated by the 2d free boson CFT (also called Luttinger liquid) all the way on the numerical curve. The last case is the $N=\infty$ limit, where the non-WF kink sits at $(\Delta_\phi, \Delta_T)=(d-1, 2d)$ in $d$ dimensions. We manage to write down its analytical four point function in arbitrary dimensions, which equals to the subtraction of correlation functions of a free fermion theory and generalized free theory. An important feature of this solution is the existence of a full tower of conserved higher spin current. We speculate that a new family of CFTs will emerge at non-WF kinks for finite $N$, in a similar fashion as $O(N)$ WF CFTs originating from free boson at $N=\infty$.


$ O(N)$数值引导程序的非Wilson-Fisher纠结:从受限的相变到推定的CFT新家族

众所周知,$ O(N)$ Wilson-Fisher(WF)CFT位于自引导$ O(N)$向量的四点函数的数值边界的转折点。离开WF纽结,确实在$ O(N)$数值范围的曲线上存在另一个纽结家族(称为非WF纽结)。与在$ 2 <d <4 $维度中用于任意$ N $的$ O(N)$ WF纽结不同,非WF纽结存在于任意维度中,但仅用于足够大的$ N> N_c(d)$在给定的尺寸$ d $中。在本文中,我们对这些非WF纽结的一些特殊情况有了透彻的了解。第一种情况是2d中的$ O(4)$引导程序,其中非WF扭结最终是$ SU(2)_1 $ Wess-Zumino-Witten(WZW)模型,以及所有$ SU(2 )_ {k> 2} $ WZW模型使扭结左侧的数值边界饱和。我们进一步执行2d $ SU(2)_1 $扭结向3d $ SO(5)$限界相变的维连续。我们发现扭结在$ d = 2.7 $维附近消失,表明$ SO(5)$限定相变是弱一阶。第二个有趣的观察结果是,$ O(2)$引导范围在2d($ N_c = 2 $)中未显示任何扭结,但是令人惊讶地一直被2d自由玻色子CFT(也称为Luttinger液体)饱和数值曲线。最后一种情况是$ N = \ infty $限制,其中非WF纽结位于$ d $维度中的$(\ Delta_ \ phi,\ Delta_T)=(d-1,2d)$。我们设法在任意维度上写下其解析四点函数,这等于减去自由费米子理论和广义自由理论的相关函数。该解决方案的一个重要特征是存在一个完整的守恒高自旋电流塔。我们推测,一个新的CFT家族将以有限的$ N $出现在非WF纽结处,其方式类似于源自自由玻色子的$ O(N)$ WF CFT,其价格为$ N = \ infty $。