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Differentiated European Integration of Ukraine in Comparative Perspective
East European Politics and Societies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: 10.1177/08883254211005179
Alexander Duleba 1

This article offers a comparative analysis of Ukraine’s Association Agreement against the backdrop of other agreements of the EU with third countries that facilitate their partial integration into the EU’s common space of four freedoms, albeit without institutional membership (EEA Agreement of Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein; EU–Swiss Bilaterals, and Turkey’s Customs Union). In addition, this analysis includes the Stabilisation and Association Agreements of the Western Balkan countries and the former Europe Agreements of the Central European countries. The research draws on concepts of differentiated integration and external governance of the EU. The analysis is built along two dimensions: identification of the regulatory boundary (policy-taking: scope of transposition of the EU acquis, legal quality of transposition, and the type of supervision mechanism) and organizational boundary (policy-shaping: inclusion in the EU institutions). The analysis concludes that Ukraine’s Association Agreement compared with other EU integration agreements with third countries includes the largest structural asymmetry, that is, a biggest gap between the largest volume of acquis, which Ukraine has to incorporate into its national legislation on one hand, and the lowest level of institutional involvement of Ukraine in policy-shaping within the EU on the other.



本文对乌克兰的结盟协议进行了比较分析,并与欧盟与其他第三国达成的其他协议进行了背景比较,尽管这些协议没有机构成员资格,但也有助于它们部分融入欧盟四个自由的共同空间(挪威,冰岛和列支敦士登的EEA协议) ;欧盟-瑞士双边机构和土耳其关税同盟)。此外,该分析还包括西巴尔干国家的《稳定与结社协定》和中欧国家的《前欧洲协定》。该研究借鉴了欧盟的差异化整合和外部治理的概念。该分析是基于两个方面进行的:确定监管边界(采取政策:欧盟收购交易的范围),换位的法律质量以及监督机制的类型)和组织边界(政策调整:纳入欧盟机构)。分析得出的结论是,与欧盟与第三国签订的其他欧盟一体化协议相比,乌克兰的《结盟协议》具有最大的结构不对称性,也就是说,最大数量的收购(一方面乌克兰必须将其纳入其国家立法)之间存在最大的差距。另一方面,乌克兰参与欧盟内部政策制定的机构参与程度最低。
