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Environmental Conditions Associated with Occurrences of the Threatened Yaqui Catfish in the Yaqui River Basin, Mexico
North American Journal of Fisheries Management ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10653
Thomas Hafen 1 , Andrew T. Taylor 2 , Dean A. Hendrickson 3 , David R. Stewart 4 , James M. Long 5

The Yaqui Catfish Ictalurus pricei is an understudied species, with limited information available on its ecology, distribution, and local habitat use. Native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, Yaqui Catfish populations are declining, which has prompted listing of the species as threatened in the United States and as a species of concern in Mexico. Water overallocation, habitat degradation, invasive species introductions, and hybridization with nonnative Channel Catfish I. punctatus have caused the populations in Mexico to decline. The United States population collapsed after years of low recruitment. To better focus conservation efforts as well as define habitat associated with Yaqui Catfish occurrences, we assessed the distribution in the Yaqui River basin of Mexico by using historical data at a landscape scale. Yaqui Catfish were historically found across the watershed among a diversity of environments but were most frequently associated with small, intermittent streams. Basin land cover was dominated by forest, shrubland, and grassland, and Yaqui Catfish generally occurred in stream segments at similar proportions. However, a small number of Yaqui Catfish occurrences were associated with urban and cropland land cover types in proportions greater than the availability of those categories on the landscape. With the species facing declines in the region, this work will help to inform future conservation efforts aimed at securing the Yaqui Catfish, protecting suitable habitat, and better defining its current status in Mexico.



Yaqui Catfish Ictalurus pricei是一种研究不足的物种,关于其生态、分布和当地栖息地利用的信息有限。原产于美国西南部和墨西哥西北部的雅基鲶鱼种群正在下降,这促使该物种在美国被列为受威胁物种,在墨西哥被列为受关注物种。水过度分配,生境退化,外来物种引进和杂交外来斑点叉尾鮰点状导致墨西哥人口减少。经过多年的低招募,美国人口急剧下降。为了更好地集中保护工作并定义与亚基鲶鱼发生相关的栖息地,我们通过使用景观尺度的历史数据评估了墨西哥亚基河流域的分布。亚基鲶鱼历来在流域的各种环境中被发现,但最常与小而断断续续的溪流有关。流域土地覆盖以森林、灌丛和草地为主,亚基鲶鱼一般以相似的比例分布在河段。然而,少数雅基鲶鱼的出现与城市和农田土地覆盖类型相关,其比例大于景观中这些类别的可用性。