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Dawn of a new day for mental health systems
International Journal of Mental Health Systems ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: 10.1186/s13033-021-00475-x
Daniel Vigo

In their inaugural Editorial for this Journal, Profs. Harry Minas and Alex Cohen developed a compelling case for why a scientific journal of the highest standards and the broadest possible circulation was sorely needed. Their detailed description of the scope of this Journal’s focus and the daunting gap in knowledge remains as valid today as it was back then, with the exception of the solid body of work that researchers and practitioners from all regions of the world have published in the now well-established International Journal of Mental Health Systems [1].

My first act as Editor-in-Chief is to thank Professor Harry Minas and the Editorial Board for their unique and lasting contribution to science and to the wellbeing of people with mental health-related problems and disorders. And my second act is a call to action to my fellow researchers and practitioners globally: our work has only but started, the impact of our collective efforts as reflected in this Journal has only recently begun to be properly acknowledged. We are at the gates of an unfamiliar world, where mental health has captured the attention of anyone who has been listening to the public conversation about societal priorities. Grass-roots advocates, people with lived experience, their families, public figures in all walks of life—from artists to sports people—have come out through traditional and new media platforms to publicly acknowledge their own mental health struggles and demand adequate funding for mental health research and services. During the past decade, leaders of private and public organizations, jurisdictions, nations, and multilaterals have pledged their commitments to universal health coverage inclusive of mental health, and there is a growing recognition that, in order to achieve this, all levels of research need to advance in lockstep, including basic, clinical, and health systems research. In order to bridge the “knowledge to action” gap (also labeled “bench to bedside” when it comes to health), translational research and implementation science have emerged as a key final step in bringing the advances of our field to the populations in need. It has been found that only 15% of proven innovations ever make it to day-to-day practice, and only after 20 years. This is no surprise when the third crucial step of the translational process (from basic, to clinical, to health systems research) is frequently neglected.

Fourteen years after the IJMHS was created to contribute with evidence to the tide of mental health systems research and practice, where do we stand? I submit that we are at a tipping point: three convergent forces have dramatically changed the landscape and the opportunities at the policy and systems level. First, the global push for universal health coverage inclusive of mental health—driven by the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals—has thrust the field into the limelight and significantly expanded the potential sources of funding for mental health systems research. Second, the exponential growth of digital innovation (including data science and online platforms) offers concrete opportunities to effectively deliver services at any scale, highlighting the need for a comprehensive health system strategy capable of integrating e-mental health with in-person services locally, nationally, and globally. And third, the COVID-19 pandemic has painfully demonstrated that even efficacious interventions will only go so far without rational, strategic, system-wide planning capable of delivering them at scale.

The Sustainable Development Goal number 3 (specifically targets 3.4, 3.5, and 3.8) embodies an explicit pledge by all Governments to implement the required changes at the national level to meet its targets. In addition to committing national research funds to mental health research, this pledge gives multilateral organizations the mandate to facilitate these changes by developing innovative financing mechanisms to support scaleup and evaluation. Indeed, the United Nations and its agencies (most notably the World Health Organization (WHO), but also all others) now have legitimacy to prioritize mental health as one of the central health and development challenges of our time, as they have successfully done in the past with HIV and maternal and child health. The World Bank and other agencies are incentivized to include mental health components in development assistance for health packages, as well as mental health impact assessments in general development packages (analogous to environmental impact assessments for infrastructure projects). Also, debt-for-mental-health swaps can now be considered by high-income creditors for debt-distressed countries, swapping payments for capital and/or interest for local mental health investments. When it comes to global development priorities, mental health is poised to take the central stage previously occupied by the fight against AIDS and the push to improve maternal and child health outcomes.

Until recently, calls to scale up mental health services—justified as they may be in light of the unparalleled mental health burdens and the cost–benefit evidence—lacked a feasible, credible plan. The shortage and high cost of human resources for mental health has been the hill where most policy battles ended, certainly in low-income, but also in high-income countries. Two critical innovations, one low-tech and one high-tech, have transformed the landscape: the solid evidence supporting task-shifting (also referred to as task-sharing or right-skilling, depending on the conceptual framework), combined with the infinitely scalable nature of digital tools, offer a concrete program of global scale-up with minimal marginal cost. This combination allows for a rapid expansion of coverage leveraging the ubiquitous distribution of smartphones in middle- and high-income settings. For low-income settings, additional efforts are required to distribute devices, create digital hubs, and expand network coverage to deliver self-guided and peer-supported tools, as well as clinical training, supervision, and services. Task shifting and leveraging digital tools represent quintessential health systems innovations: they offer platforms to deliver interventions that have already been found to be clinically effective, from psychotropics to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), peer-support and self-care, but were until now largely undeliverable due to the prohibitive cost of the specialized brick-and-mortar and personnel required.

The first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic has driven home the message of how costly it is to have unprepared, fragmented systems. Having well-functioning, integrated systems able to gather data about population needs and to respond in a coordinated manner helps explain why some countries withstood the first wave relatively unscathed with respect to health outcomes, and why vaccination rollout efforts met with different degrees of success, even in similar country-income levels. For our field, the implications loom as large, if less noticeable: the evidence showing that online psychotherapy, peer-supports, and self-guided care work is already out there; what is lacking are the pragmatic, real-world implementation and translational studies assessing the impact of integrating these innovations into existing health systems. These types of program evaluations, most of them grounded on mixed-methods and/or multi-level analyses considering not only individual effectiveness but also the organizational or system level impacts are what the mental health field needs at this point to quantify and qualify what is gained—and what may be at risk of being lost—by this unprecedented democratization of mental health services.

In summary, the IJMHS seeks to foster the critical research programs that will inform the decision-making process required to democratize mental health services, by bringing together the multiple effective interventions we already know to exist and the platforms that will deliver them at scale in real-world health systems. In order to achieve these goals, we are adding four Editorial Priority Areas to the general focus of our journal, each with a new responsible Associate Editor. Digital Heath and Mental Health Systems will seek to incentivize and disseminate research focusing on the integration of digital tools (from virtual care and telemedicine to fully automated AI-powered interventions) into existing systems and services. The Substance Use and Mental Health Systems area will highlight the need to consider mental health and substance use together when developing services and systems, in a world where the patterns of substance use are rapidly shifting (from the opioid crisis in its multiple forms to the various decriminalization, legalization, and normalization efforts). The Mental Health Systems Planning Editorial Priority Area will encourage research and submissions that stem from collaborations between mental health researchers and decision-makers geared towards informing prioritization and resource allocation by rigorously assessing what the population needs are and what the services to meet those needs should be, both from a qualitative and a quantitative perspective. And finally, Mental Health Systems for Populations in Need: this Editorial Priority Area will focus on population groups that are particularly underserved from a mental health systems perspective. These groups may be underserved due to different reasons: they may constitute a group historically neglected by our field, as is the case with older adults; or a group whose needs are prioritized but poorly understood, such as children, adolescents, and transitional age youth; or a historically marginalized group, such as indigenous peoples everywhere.

This is an ambitious program of editorial work that seeks to build on the achievements made possible by Harry Minas, the Editorial team, and mental health systems researchers everywhere. Of note, IJMHS will continue to be a reliable source not only for studies from high-income settings, but also for knowledge and innovations from low- and middle-income countries. The two examples of health systems innovation highlighted above demonstrate how scientific advances are indeed bidirectional: computer science and digital tools emerged in the wealthiest countries, as innovators sought to maximize our ability to gather, store, access, curate, analyze, and deliver data; conversely, task-shifting emerged in low-income settings, as innovators strove to meet people’s needs despite lacking the amount and types of resources (both material and human) that were traditionally considered necessary. One limitation of most international journals is their insufficient focus on knowledge emerging from low- and middle-income countries (LAMICS). This is sometimes due to the dominance of the English language, the rigidity of editorial expectations, or the chronic underfunding of research in LAMICS. It may also be the result of less explicit but more deeply rooted biases stemming from the colonial history of our discipline and science in general. With this in mind, and building on the track record of our journal, we will create a new section, Field Experiences, inspired by the World Health Organization Bulletin’s Lessons from the Field, with the goal of facilitating the publication of unique health systems experiences that for different reasons may lend themselves more to a “case study” format than to traditional research papers. We will also seek to strengthen our collaboration with regional research networks to create a pipeline that increases the visibility of the vast mental health systems knowledge currently being produced in LAMICS.

We hope you find this Editorial proposition engaging, and that you are inspired to submit your research to our journal and even to develop projects or programs targeting the areas mentioned above. This is the right time to focus your research funding proposals on mental health systems.

  1. 1.

    Minas H, Cohen A. Why focus on mental health systems? Int J Ment Health Syst. 2007;1(1):1. https://doi.org/10.1186/1752-4458-1-1.

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  1. Mental Health Systems and Services Laboratory, Department of Psychiatry and School of Population and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

    Daniel Vigo

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This article was conceived and written by DV. The author wants to thank Prof. Harry Minas for reviewing this manuscript and providing feedback. The author read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Daniel Vigo.

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The author declare that they have no competing interests.

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Vigo, D. Dawn of a new day for mental health systems. Int J Ment Health Syst 15, 49 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13033-021-00475-x

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在本期刊的首期社论中,Professor。哈里·米纳斯(Harry Minas)和亚历克斯·科恩(Alex Cohen)提出了一个令人信服的案例,说明了为什么迫切需要一本标准最高,发行范围最广的科学期刊。他们对本《杂志》关注范围的详细描述和巨大的知识鸿沟至今仍然有效,但世界各地的研究人员和从业人员目前已发表了扎实的著作。完善的《国际精神卫生系统杂志》 [1]。






总而言之,IJMHS致力于通过整合我们已经知道的多种有效干预措施以及将实际大规模提供这些干预措施的平台,来促进关键研究计划,这些计划将为使精神卫生服务民主化所需的决策过程提供信息世界卫生系统。为了实现这些目标,我们在期刊的总体重点上增加了四个编辑优先领域,每个领域都有一名新的负责任的副编辑。Digital Heath and心理健康系统将寻求激励和传播研究,重点是将数字工具(从虚拟护理和远程医疗到全自动的AI驱动的干预手段)集成到现有系统和服务中。该物质使用和精神卫生系统该领域将强调在当今毒品使用方式正在迅速转变的世界(从多种形式的阿片类药物危机向各种非刑事化,合法化和正常化努力)的情况下,在开发服务和系统时需要同时考虑心理健康和毒品使用情况)。在精神卫生系统规划编辑优先领域将鼓励研究和意见,从对通过严格评估哪些人群的需求是什么服务,以满足这些需求应该是通知的优先次序和资源分配面向心理健康研究人员和决策者之间的合作干从定性和定量的角度来看。最后,针对有需要人群的精神卫生系统:这个社论重点领域将集中于从精神卫生系统的角度来看服务不足的人群。这些群体可能由于不同的原因而服务不足:它们可能构成了我们的领域在历史上被忽视的群体,例如老年人。或需要优先考虑但了解程度不高的人群,例如儿童,青少年和过渡年龄的青年;或历史上处于边缘地位的群体,例如世界各地的土著人民。

这是一项雄心勃勃的编辑工作计划,旨在利用哈里·米纳斯(Harry Minas),编辑团队和各地精神卫生系统研究人员所取得的成就为基础。值得注意的是,IJMHS不仅将继续成为高收入环境研究的可靠来源,而且还将成为低收入和中等收入国家的知识和创新的可靠来源。上面强调的两个卫生系统创新的例子说明了科学的进步确实是双向的:计算机科学和数字工具出现在最富裕的国家,这是创新者寻求最大限度地提高我们收集,存储,访问,管理,分析和传递数据的能力。相反,在低收入环境中出现了任务转移,尽管缺乏传统上认为必要的资源和数量(物质和人力),但创新者仍在努力满足人们的需求。大多数国际期刊的局限性之一是它们对中低收入国家(LAMICS)新兴知识的关注不足。有时这是由于英语的优势,编辑期望的僵化或LAMICS研究的长期资金不足所致。这也可能是由于我们学科和科学的殖民历史普遍产生的不那么明确但根深蒂固的偏见的结果。考虑到这一点,并在日记记录的基础上,我们将创建一个新部分,大多数国际期刊的局限性之一是它们对中低收入国家(LAMICS)新兴知识的关注不足。有时这是由于英语的优势,编辑期望的僵化或LAMICS研究的长期资金不足所致。这也可能是由于我们学科和科学的殖民历史普遍产生的不那么明确但根深蒂固的偏见的结果。考虑到这一点,并在日记记录的基础上,我们将创建一个新部分,大多数国际期刊的局限性之一是它们对中低收入国家(LAMICS)新兴知识的关注不足。有时这是由于英语的优势,编辑期望的僵化或LAMICS研究的长期资金不足所致。这也可能是由于我们学科和科学的殖民历史普遍产生的不那么明确但根深蒂固的偏见的结果。考虑到这一点,并在日记记录的基础上,我们将创建一个新部分,这也可能是由于我们学科和科学的殖民历史普遍产生的不那么明确但根深蒂固的偏见的结果。考虑到这一点,并在日记记录的基础上,我们将创建一个新部分,这也可能是由于我们学科和科学的殖民历史普遍产生的不那么明确但根深蒂固的偏见的结果。考虑到这一点,并在日记记录的基础上,我们将创建一个新部分,现场经验受到世界卫生组织《现场经验教训》的启发,目的是促进独特卫生系统经验的出版,这些经验由于各种原因可能更适合于“案例研究”形式,而不是传统的研究论文。我们还将寻求加强与区域研究网络的合作,以创建一条管道,以提高LAMICS当前正在产生的大量精神卫生系统知识的知名度。


  1. 1。

    Minas H,CohenA。为什么关注精神卫生系统?国际精神卫生系统。2007; 1(1):1。https://doi.org/10.1186/1752-4458-1-1。

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  1. 不列颠哥伦比亚大学医学院精神病学系以及人口与公共卫生学院精神卫生系统和服务实验室,加拿大温哥华

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本文是由DV构思和撰写的。作者要感谢Harry Minas教授审阅此手稿并提供反馈。作者阅读并批准了最终手稿。


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Vigo,D.精神卫生系统新的曙光。诠释J精神疾病健康SYST 15, 49(2021)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13033-021-00475-x


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  • DOI https //doi.org/10.1186/s13033-021-00475-x
