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“Pédaler en toute sécurité”: The Cycling Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ) in Belgium – A validation study
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trf.2021.04.014
Sergio A. Useche , Pierre Philippot , Toon Ampe , Javier Llamazares , Bas de Geus

Introduction: During the last few years, the use of behavioral questionnaires for assessing risky behaviors of road users different from motor-vehicle drivers has grown considerably in applied research for road safety. In this regard, recent tools such as the Cycling Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ) are gaining ground, being adapted and tested in further languages, thus getting useful to address the case of countries whose language is different to the English and Spanish. Therefore, and in order to extend the use of the CBQ, this study aimed (i) to develop the validation of the CBQ to the French and Dutch languages, in order to cover the population of Belgian cyclists and (potentially) other countries speaking these languages, as well as (ii) to explore demographic and cycling-related differences in cycling behaviors. Methods: For this cross-sectional study, data was collected from a full sample of 1,897 adult cyclists (50.9% males; 48.7% females; 0.4% others) from various regions of Belgium, with a mean age of 41.71 years. Results: The results suggest the CBQ, in its French and Dutch versions, has a strong factor composition, fair psychometrical properties and good convergent validity. Further, gender and cycling pattern-related differences were found in regard to the three dimensions measured by the scale. Conclusion: The results of this study support the value of the Cycling Behavior Questionnaire to be used for researchers studying road cyclists’ behavior from the human factors perspective in French and Dutch-speaking countries.


“Pédaleren toutesécurité”:比利时的自行车行为问卷(CBQ)–一项验证研究

简介:在过去的几年中,行为调查表用于评估不同于机动车驾驶者的道路使用者的危险行为,在道路安全的应用研究中已大大增加。在这方面,诸如骑行行为问卷(CBQ)之类的最新工具正在普及,并以其他语言进行了修改和测试,因此对于解决其语言不同于英语和西班牙语的国家的情况非常有用。因此,为了扩大CBQ的使用范围,本研究的目的(i)将CBQ的验证扩展到法语和荷兰语,以覆盖比利时骑自行车者和(可能的)其他讲这些语言的国家语言以及(ii)以探讨人口统计学和与自行车相关的自行车行为差异。方法:对于本横断面研究,数据来自比利时各个地区的1897名成年骑自行车者(男性50.9%;女性48.7%;其他0.4%)的平均样本,平均年龄为41.71岁。结果:结果表明,法语和荷兰语版本的CBQ具有强大的因子组成,合理的心理计量特性和良好的收敛效度。此外,在通过量表测量的三个维度上,发现了性别和自行车模式相关的差异。结论: 这项研究的结果支持了“自行车行为调查表”的价值,该调查表可供研究人员从法语和荷兰语国家从人为因素的角度研究公路自行车的行为的研究人员使用。
