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Character strengths as predictors of trust and cooperation in economic decision-making
Journal of Trust Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-25 , DOI: 10.1080/21515581.2021.1922911
Steven G. Young 1 , Robert E. McGrath 2


Cooperation occupies nearly every aspect of human life. While previous research focuses on how situational factors and personality predict cooperation, less is known about how specific character strengths predict cooperation. In Study 1, we find that higher Self-Control values and lower Inquisitiveness values were associated with a larger contribution in the Trust Game. In Study 2, we find that kindness positively predicted the total amount of money earned in a Prisoner’s Dilemma game. However, Self-Control was not a significant predictor for any dependent measure. We discuss the theoretical and applied implications of these findings, compare our results to other research on dispositional predictors of trust and cooperation, and postulate that the oinconsistent role of Self-Control may be attribouted tof theoretical differences in the Trust and Prisoner’s Dilemma games. Finally, we offer future directions that can build on the present findings.




合作几乎占据了人类生活的方方面面。虽然先前的研究侧重于情境因素和个性如何预测合作,但对特定性格优势如何预测合作知之甚少。在研究 1 中,我们发现较高的自我控制值和较低的好奇心值与信任博弈中的更大贡献相关。在研究 2 中,我们发现在囚徒困境博弈中,善意积极地预测了赚到的总金额。然而,自我控制不是任何依赖措施的重要预测因素。我们讨论了这些发现的理论和应用意义,将我们的结果与其他关于信任与合作倾向预测因素的研究进行了比较,并假设自我控制的不一致作用可能归因于信任和囚徒困境博弈中的理论差异。最后,我们提供了可以建立在当前发现的基础上的未来方向。
