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Perceived social norms and acceptance of transgender students in gendered restrooms
Journal of LGBT Youth Pub Date : 2021-05-25 , DOI: 10.1080/19361653.2021.1928583
Chelsea L. Monheim 1 , Jennifer J. Ratcliff 2


Transgender college students report higher rates of discrimination in gendered restrooms than do their cisgender peers. It is critical to understand factors that promote greater acceptance of transgender students using restrooms that align with their gender identity. The current experiment examined the impact of perceived social norms on both acceptance of transgender individuals using various locations and transphobia. Participants were 133 cisgender college students recruited on a college campus that had recently added all-gender restrooms to all campus buildings. Participants completed a prescreening measure of transphobia. During the experimental session, participants read results from a fictional study in which the social norm of their college campus was described as either in favor of (supportive norm) or against (unsupportive norm) the installation of all-gender restrooms on campus. Then participants completed measures of acceptance of transgender individuals in various spaces and transphobia. Supporting the primary hypothesis, relative to those in the unsupportive norm condition, participants in the supportive social norm condition were more accepting of transgender individuals using restrooms that aligned with their gender identity. However, the norm manipulation did not impact personal levels of transphobia between prescreen and post experimental manipulation. Implications and future directions will be discussed.




跨性别大学生报告的性别厕所歧视率高于他们的顺性别同龄人。了解促进使用符合其性别认同的洗手间的跨性别学生的更大接受度的因素至关重要。当前的实验检查了感知到的社会规范对使用不同地点的跨性别者的接受度和跨性别恐惧症的影响。参与者是在大学校园内招募的 133 名顺性别大学生,该大学最近在所有校园建筑中增加了所有性别的洗手间。参与者完成了跨性别恐惧症的预筛查措施。在实验环节,参与者阅读了一项虚构研究的结果,其中他们大学校园的社会规范被描述为支持(支持性规范)或反对(不支持性规范)在校园内安装所有性别的洗手间。然后,参与者完成了对跨性别者在不同空间的接受度和跨性别恐惧症的测量。支持主要假设的是,相对于那些处于非支持性规范条件下的参与者,处于支持性社会规范条件下的参与者更能接受跨性别者使用符合其性别认同的洗手间。然而,规范操作不会影响筛选前和实验后操作之间的个人跨性别恐惧症水平。将讨论影响和未来方向。然后,参与者完成了对跨性别者在不同空间的接受度和跨性别恐惧症的测量。支持主要假设的是,相对于那些处于非支持性规范条件下的参与者,处于支持性社会规范条件下的参与者更能接受跨性别者使用符合其性别认同的洗手间。然而,规范操作不会影响筛选前和实验后操作之间的个人跨性别恐惧症水平。将讨论影响和未来方向。然后,参与者完成了对跨性别者在不同空间的接受度和跨性别恐惧症的测量。支持主要假设的是,相对于那些处于非支持性规范条件下的参与者,处于支持性社会规范条件下的参与者更能接受跨性别者使用符合其性别认同的洗手间。然而,规范操作不会影响筛选前和实验后操作之间的个人跨性别恐惧症水平。将讨论影响和未来方向。支持性社会规范条件下的参与者更能接受跨性别者使用符合其性别认同的洗手间。然而,规范操作不会影响筛选前和实验后操作之间的个人跨性别恐惧症水平。将讨论影响和未来方向。支持性社会规范条件下的参与者更能接受跨性别者使用符合其性别认同的洗手间。然而,规范操作不会影响筛选前和实验后操作之间的个人跨性别恐惧症水平。将讨论影响和未来方向。
