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Ethnic Capital and Class Reproduction: Comparing the Impact of Socio-Economic Status on Children's Educational Attainment Across Ethno-Religious Groups in Israel
International Journal of Sociology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2021.1919442
Sami H. Miaari 1, 2 , Nabil Khattab 3, 4 , Vered Kraus 5 , Yuval P. Yonay 5


This article investigates the relationships between ethnicity, class, and prospects of educational success. For this purpose, we compared the effects of family socio-economic characteristics on children's educational attainment in four ethno-religious groups in Israel (Muslim, Christian, and Druze Palestinians; Jews). Information from the 1995 census on the households with at least one child born in the cohort of 1975-1985 is matched with Ministry of Education records on all those who achieved matriculation certificates and academic degrees between 1995 and 2012. The results show that the educational outcomes of Christian and Druze children are less dependent on their family characteristics compared to Muslim and Jewish children. We suggest that the disadvantage of Palestinian schools in a Jewish-dominated state is offset by the tougher competition Jewish children from disadvantaged strata face in schools attended by those from affluent strata. Family background is more important for academic degrees than for the matriculation certificate. Furthermore, the education and occupation of mothers and fathers both have an equally important impact on child outcomes.




本文调查了种族、阶级和教育成功前景之间的关系。为此,我们比较了以色列四个民族宗教群体(穆斯林、基督教和德鲁兹巴勒斯坦人;犹太人)的家庭社会经济特征对儿童教育程度的影响。将 1995 年人口普查中 1975-1985 年队列中至少有一个孩子出生的家庭的信息与教育部关于 1995 年至 2012 年期间所有获得预科证书和学位的人的记录相匹配。 结果表明,教育成果的基督徒和德鲁兹儿童与穆斯林和犹太儿童相比,较少依赖他们的家庭特征。我们认为,在一个犹太人主导的国家,巴勒斯坦学校的劣势被来自弱势阶层的犹太儿童在富裕阶层就读的学校所面临的更激烈竞争所抵消。家庭背景对学历比对预科证书更重要。此外,母亲和父亲的教育和职业都对孩子的结局产生同样重要的影响。
