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Toward Stronger Integration of Education for Sustainable Development Into the Carpathian Convention Activities: Reflection on the Process and Outlook
Mountain Research and Development ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1659/mrd-journal-d-20-00025.1
Tamara Mitrofanenko 1 , Attila Varga 2 , Joanna Zawiejska 3

The Carpathian Convention is a multilateral environmental agreement focused on nature conservation and sustainable development of the Carpathian Mountain region; its articles cover various thematic and cross-sectional areas. Article 13 of the convention outlines provisions for awareness raising, education, and public participation and is central to integrating education for sustainable development (ESD) into the convention documents and activities. We have been involved in ESD-related processes of the convention since 2007, in line with ESD-related guidance provided by the United Nations, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the recently adopted ESD for 2030 framework of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which highlights the importance of implementing ESD. In this paper, we reflect on the participatory ESD-related processes of the convention and provide recommendations for further integration of ESD. Our study is based on a review of the convention documents and the results of participatory workshops conducted in 2018–2019. We conclude that interest in ESD is evident among numerous convention actors and stakeholders. We recommend (1) establishing a convention working group or network of experts focused on education and awareness raising and (2) facilitating stronger support for ESD by the convention presidency.



《喀尔巴阡公约》是一项多边环境协定,侧重于喀尔巴阡山脉地区的自然保护和可持续发展;它的文章涵盖了各种主题和横截面领域。该公约第13条概述了有关提高认识,教育和公众参与的规定,对于将可持续发展教育(ESD)纳入公约文件和活动至关重要。自2007年以来,我们根据联合国提供的与ESD有关的指导方针,包括《 2030年可持续发展议程》和最近通过的《联合国教育,科学,教育和科学》的2030年框架,参与了与ESD相关的公约进程。文化组织,强调实施可持续发展教育的重要性。在本文中,我们对公约中与参与性ESD有关的过程进行了反思,并为进一步整合ESD提供了建议。我们的研究基于对公约文件的审查以及2018-2019年举办的参与式研讨会的结果。我们得出的结论是,许多公约参与者和利益相关者对ESD的兴趣显而易见。我们建议(1)建立一个专注于教育和意识提高的公约工作组或专家网络,以及(2)促进公约主席对ESD的更强有力的支持。我们得出的结论是,许多公约参与者和利益相关者对ESD的兴趣显而易见。我们建议(1)建立一个专注于教育和意识提高的公约工作组或专家网络,以及(2)促进公约主席对ESD的更强有力的支持。我们得出的结论是,许多公约参与者和利益相关者对ESD的兴趣显而易见。我们建议(1)建立一个专注于教育和意识提高的公约工作组或专家网络,以及(2)促进公约主席对ESD的更强有力的支持。