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Characterization of murine extracellular vesicles and Toxoplasma gondii infection
Parasite Immunology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1111/pim.12869
Marta Marques Maia 1 , Allecineia Bispo da Cruz 1 , Ingrid de Siqueira Pereira 1 , Noemi Nosomi Taniwaki 2 , Gislene Mitsue Namiyama 2 , Vera Lucia Pereira-Chioccola 1

This study characterized extracellular vesicles (EVs) of sera from mice infected with Toxoplasma gondii or immunized with EVs derived T gondii. EVs were purified of sera from four groups (5 A/Sn mice/group). EV-IM: Mice immunized with T gondii-released EVs; ACT: mice in acute infection; CHR: mice in chronic infection; and NI: normal mice. EVs were purified by ultracentrifugation. Concentration of serum-derived EVs from NI group was smaller than EV-IM, ACT and CHR groups. Most of the EVs from ACT and CHR groups were microvesicles, and they were bigger than the NI group. The same results were shown by Transmission Electron Microscopy. The presence of exosomes was shown in immunoblotting by tetraspanin (CD63 and CD9) evidence. Splenocytes of EV-IM, CHR and NI groups were stimulated with T. gondii derived EVs. EV-IM and CHR groups up-expressed IFN-γ; TNF-α and IL-17, when compared with the NI group. IL-10 was up-expressed only in the EV-IM group. EV-IM, ACT and CHR groups expressed more miR-155-5p, miR-29c-3p and miR-125b-5p than the NI group. Host-T gondii interaction can occur, also, via EVs. miRNAs participate in the modulation of cellular immune response against T gondii. These data give subsidies to propose the differentiation between infect or noninfect hosts by concentration of EVs.



本研究表征了感染弓形虫或用 EV 衍生的弓形虫免疫的小鼠血清的细胞外囊泡 (EV) 。从四组(5 A/Sn 小鼠/组)的血清中纯化 EV。EV-IM:用弓形虫免疫的小鼠- 发布的电动汽车;ACT:急性感染的小鼠;CHR:慢性感染的小鼠;和 NI:正常小鼠。通过超速离心纯化 EV。NI 组血清来源的 EVs 浓度小于 EV-IM、ACT 和 CHR 组。ACT 和 CHR 组的大多数 EV 是微泡,它们比 NI 组大。透射电子显微镜显示了相同的结果。四跨膜蛋白(CD63 和 CD9)证据在免疫印迹中显示了外泌体的存在。EV-IM、CHR 和 NI 组的脾细胞用弓形虫衍生的 EV 刺激。EV-IM 和 CHR 组上调 IFN-γ;与 NI 组相比,TNF-α 和 IL-17。IL-10 仅在 EV-IM 组中上调。EV-IM、ACT和CHR组比NI组表达更多的miR-155-5p、miR-29c-3p和miR-125b-5p。宿主-刚地弓形虫也可以通过电动汽车进行交互。miRNA 参与调节针对弓形虫的细胞免疫反应。这些数据为建议通过 EV 浓度区分感染或非感染宿主提供补贴。