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Learning from Tribal Leadership and the Anchor Forest Concept for Implementing Cross-Boundary Forest Management
Journal of Forestry ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1093/jofore/fvab031
Meredith A Jacobson 1 , Reem Hajjar 2 , Emily Jane Davis 2 , Serra Hoagland 3

In response to the increasing scale of wildfire and forest health challenges in the West, the Intertribal Timber Council, a nonprofit consortium of American Indian Tribes and Alaska Native corporations, proposed creating “Anchor Forests,” where a Tribe would convene neighboring landowners to collectively manage the landscape across property boundaries. This concept has sparked conversation but has not been fully implemented. Amid shifts toward both collaborative decision making and Tribal partnerships on federal forestlands, we asked, “why did the Anchor Forest concept emerge, and what can the field of forest governance learn from its development?” Through qualitative analysis of documents and interviews, we show how Anchor Forests could expand spatial-temporal scales of forest management. We highlight how Tribal leadership could overcome past governance barriers through their sovereign authority and long-term forestry expertise and knowledge. We describe how this concept could function as a tool to enact change within rigid forest-management institutions.



为应对西部日益严重的野火和森林健康挑战,由美洲印第安部落和阿拉斯加原住民公司组成的非营利性财团——部落间木材委员会提议创建“锚森林”,一个部落将召集邻近的土地所有者共同管理跨越财产边界的景观。这个概念引发了讨论,但尚未完全实施。在向联邦林地协作决策和部落伙伴关系转变的过程中,我们问道,“为什么会出现锚森林概念,森林治理领域可以从其发展中学到什么?” 通过对文件和访谈的定性分析,我们展示了锚森林如何扩大森林管理的时空尺度。我们强调部落领导如何通过其主权权威和长期的林业专业知识和知识克服过去的治理障碍。我们描述了这一概念如何作为在僵化的森林管理机构中实施变革的工具。