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Multilingual childhoods of refugee children in Icelandic preschools: educational practices and partnerships with parents
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1080/1350293x.2021.1928719
Hanna Ragnarsdóttir 1


Many refugee families face challenges in their new educational environments. This qualitative research study aims to explore the experiences of six Syrian refugee families who arrived in Iceland from Lebanon in 2016 and settled in three municipalities (Stjórnarráð Íslands 2019 Stjórnarráð Íslands [Government of Iceland]. 2019. Fjöldi flóttamanna [Number of refugees]. Retrieved from https://www.stjornarradid.is/verkefni/utlendingar/flottafolk/fjoldi-flottamanna/. [Google Scholar]) and their children in their preschool settings; and to explore the experiences of staff in their preschools. The theoretical framework of the study includes critical approaches to education (May and Sleeter 2010 May, Stephen, and Christine E. Sleeter. 2010. “Introduction. Critical Multiculturalism: Theory and Praxis.” In Critical Multiculturalism: Theory and Praxis, edited by Stephen May, and Christine E. Sleeter, 116. New York: Routledge.[Crossref] , [Google Scholar]) and multilingual education for social justice (Cummins 2004 Cummins, Jim. 2004. Language, Power and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire. 3rd ed. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. [Google Scholar]). The findings indicate that while most of the children are doing well in the preschools according to the teachers and parents, many challenges have appeared, including the illiteracy of some of the parents as well as differences in values, languages and expectations between the schools and the parents.




许多难民家庭在新的教育环境中面临挑战。这项定性研究旨在探讨 2016 年从黎巴嫩抵达冰岛并在三个城市定居的六个叙利亚难民家庭的经历 (Stjórnarráð Íslands 2019Stjórnarráð Íslands [冰岛政府]。2019 年。Fjöldi flóttamanna [难民人数]。取自 https://www.stjornarradid.is/verkefni/utlendingar/flottafolk/fjoldi-flottamanna/。 [Google Scholar] ) 和他们的孩子在学龄前环境中;并探索教职工在其学前班的经历。该研究的理论框架包括关键的教育方法(May 和 Sleeter2010 May、StephenChristine E. Sleeter2010 年。”介绍。批判的多元文化主义:理论与实践。” 在批判多元文化:理论与实践,通过编辑斯蒂芬·,和克里斯蒂娜E. Sleeter1 - 16纽约劳特利奇[Crossref]  , [Google Scholar])和多语种社会正义教育(Cummins2004 康明斯,吉姆。 2004 年语言、权力和教学法:交火中的双语儿童第 3 版克利夫登多语言问题 [谷歌学术])。调查结果表明,尽管老师和家长认为大多数孩子在幼儿园表现良好,但也出现了许多挑战,包括部分家长不识字,以及学校与家长在价值观、语言和期望上存在差异。父母。
