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Early Palaeoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism and partial melting of eclogite-facies rocks in the Salma association, eastern Fennoscandian Shield, Russia
Precambrian Research ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106260
Ksenia Dokukina , M.V. Mints , V.B. Khubanov , V.S. Sheshukov , A.N. Konilov , T.B. Bayanova , T.V. Kaulina , M.A. Golunova , P.A. Dokukin , O.I. Okina , K.V. Van , D.S. Yudin , A.V. Travin , A.V. Zaitsev , V.L. Kosorukov , V.I. Pozhilenko , T.I. Golovanova

The Salma-type Archaean eclogites exposed along the northwestern boundary of the Belomorian Eclogite Province in the eastern Fennoscandian Shield formed as a result of the Mesoarchaean–Neoarchaean subduction and collision. The common protoliths of the Salma-type subduction-related eclogites were oceanic layered gabbro and volcanic-sedimentary assemblage. The eclogite-facies pillow lavas and associated alumina-siliceous sediments that fill interpillow space and intercalate with lava flows are the main objects of our work. The kyanite-garnet–phengite–quartz rocks formed after alumina-siliceous sediments contain fluid inclusions trapped in large relic quartz grains. The fluid inclusions yielded an isochore that corresponds to PT-conditions of a beginning of the Salma oceanic rock subduction from the seafloor level that generally confirms the sedimentary provenance of these rocks. The alumina-siliceous sediments underwent the eclogite-facies metamorphism at pressure no lower than 21 kbar and temperatures of 650–750 °C and transformed into kyanite-garnet–phengite–quartz rocks. During exhumation under granulite-facies conditions at temperatures up to 900 °C and pressure down to 9 kbar, eclogite facies metasediments underwent partial melting accompanied by disequilibrium breakdown of phengite + quartz association with formation complex polymineralic pseudomorphs consisting of feldspars, biotite, muscovite, kyanite, corundum, and dumortierite. U-Pb dating of Th-rich igneous zircon from melted metasedimentary and mafic rocks using the LA-ICP-MS and TIMS methods yielded the time of granulite facies event accompanied by partial melting processes at ~2.45 Ga. After this, zircon underwent fluid-induced alteration, causing partial dissolution followed by precipitation of new Th–poor zircon and zircon rims around ancient grains at ~1.9 Ga ago


俄罗斯Fennoscandian Shield东部Salma协会的古元古代早期花岗质相变质作用和榴辉岩相岩石的部分熔融

由于中古生界-新古生界的俯冲和碰撞而形成的芬诺斯堪的纳东部盾构的贝洛莫里安榴辉岩省的西北边界暴露出的萨尔玛型古生榴岩。萨尔玛型俯冲有关的榴辉岩的常见原石是海洋层状辉长岩和火山沉积沉积组合。充填枕间空间并夹有熔岩流的榴辉岩相枕状熔岩和相关的氧化铝-硅质沉积物是我们工作的主要对象。氧化铝-硅质沉积物形成的蓝晶石-石榴石-辉石-石英岩包含被包裹在大型遗留石英颗粒中的流体包裹体。流体包裹体产生了等时线,该等时线对应于从海底水平面开始的萨尔玛海洋岩石俯冲开始的PT条件,这通常证实了这些岩石的沉积起源。氧化铝-硅质沉积物在不低于21 kbar的压力和650-750°C的温度下经历了榴辉岩相变质作用,并转变为蓝晶石-石榴石-辉石-石英岩。在温度高达900°C且压力低至9 kbar的粒岩相条件下进行发掘过程中,榴辉岩相的沉积物经历了部分熔融,并伴随着辉石+石英的不平衡分解,并形成了由长石,黑云母,白云母,蓝晶石组成的复杂多矿物假晶型。 ,刚玉和硬蒙脱石。
