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Exclusion from Educational Opportunity in Diversifying Rural Contexts*
Rural Sociology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-24 , DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12381
Alexandra Aylward 1 , Brenda Barrio 2 , Catherine Kramarczuk Voulgarides 3

Racial/ethnic disproportionality within special education refers to the over- or underrepresentation of a racial/ethnic group in an educational category, program, or service in comparison to the group's proportion in the overall population. The educational equity implications of disproportionality have been discussed in multiple studies, and schools may risk receiving federal citations and sanctions in significant instances of disproportionality. However, disproportionality in special education is rarely examined within rural settings, despite demographic change leading to more racially and ethnically diverse rural schools. This article uses event history methodology to understand how changing district-level social contextual factors are associated with the issuance of federal citations for disproportionality in special education during 2004–2005 to 2011–2012 school years among rural districts within New York. We find that among majority-white districts, the likelihood of citation is much greater when there is a substantial increase in the number of children of color enrolled. In contrast, racial/ethnic demographic changes within more diverse rural districts, whether enrollment increases or decreases, reduce the likelihood of a citation. Also, as teacher turnover and student enrollments increase, the likelihood of citation increases. As rural communities continue to become less racially and ethnically homogenous, scholars and educators must consider the ways in which Black, Indigenous, and students of color can be appropriately supported in schools and the important variation across rural spaces.



特殊教育中的种族/族裔不成比例是指与该群体在总人口中的比例相比,某个种族/族裔群体在教育类别、计划或服务中的代表性过高或过低。多项研究讨论了不成比例对教育公平的影响,学校可能会在严重不成比例的情况下面临收到联邦引用和制裁的风险。然而,尽管人口变化导致农村学校的种族和民族更加多样化,但很少在农村环境中检查特殊教育的不成比例。本文使用事件历史方法来了解在 2004-2005 至 2011-2012 学年期间,纽约农村地区的地区级社会背景因素的变化如何与联邦对特殊教育不成比例的引用发布相关联。我们发现,在白人占多数的地区中,当注册的有色人种儿童数量大幅增加时,被引用的可能性要大得多。相比之下,更多样化农村地区的种族/民族人口变化,无论是入学人数增加还是减少,都会降低被引用的可能性。此外,随着教师更替和学生入学率的增加,被引用的可能性也会增加。随着农村社区的种族和民族同质化程度不断降低,