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Piloting a Climate-Change Adaptation Index on US National Forest Lands
Journal of Forestry ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-21 , DOI: 10.1093/jofore/fvab032
Michael R Coughlan 1 , Heidi Huber-Stearns 1 , Courtney Schultz 2

Climate change presents a novel and significant threat to the sustainability of forest ecosystems worldwide. The United States Forest Service (USFS) has conducted climate change vulnerability assessments for much of the 193 million acres of national forest lands it manages, yet little to no research exists on the degree to which management units have adopted considerations of climate change into planning or project implementation. In response to this knowledge gap, we piloted a survey instrument in USFS Region 1 (Northern region) and Region 6 (Pacific Northwest region) to determine criteria for assessing the degree to which national forests integrate climate-change considerations into their management planning and activities. Our resulting climate-change adaptation index provides an efficient quantitative approach for identifying where, how, and, potentially, why some national forests are making more progress toward incorporating climate-change adaptations into forest planning and management.



气候变化对全球森林生态系统的可持续性构成了新的重大威胁。美国林务局 (USFS) 对其管理的 1.93 亿英亩国家林地中的大部分进行了气候变化脆弱性评估,但很少或没有关于管理单位在多大程度上将气候变化考虑纳入规划或项目实施。针对这一知识差距,我们在 USFS 1 区(北部地区)和 6 区(太平洋西北地区)试行了一项调查工具,以确定评估国家森林将气候变化因素纳入其管理规划和活动的程度的标准. 我们由此产生的气候变化适应指数提供了一种有效的定量方法,用于确定在何处、如何以及,