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Torn Between Two Plates: Exhumation of the Cer Massif (Internal Dinarides) as a Far-Field Effect of Carpathian Slab Rollback Inferred From 40Ar/39Ar Dating and Cross Section Balancing
Tectonics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-20 , DOI: 10.1029/2021tc006699
Georg Löwe 1 , Susanne Schneider 2 , Blanka Sperner 2 , Philipp Balling 1 , Jörg A. Pfänder 2 , Kamil Ustaszewski 1

Extension across the southern Pannonian Basin and the internal Dinarides is characterized by Oligo-Miocene metamorphic core complexes (MCCs) exhumed along mylonitic low-angle extensional shear zones. Cer MCC at the transition between Dinarides and Pannonian Basin occupies a structural position within the distal-most Adriatic thrust sheet and originates from two different tectonic processes: Late Cretaceous-Paleogene nappe-stacking during a continent-continent collision with Adria in a lower plate position, and exhumation related to Miocene extension driven by the Carpathian slab-rollback. Structural data and a balanced cross section across the Cer massif show linking of the exhuming shear zone to a breakaway fault, which reactivated the early Late Cretaceous most internal nappe contact. Paleozoic greenschist-to amphibolite-grade lithologies surround a polyphase intrusion composed of I- and S-type granites and were exhumed along a shear zone characterized by top-N transport. Thermobarometric analyses indicate an intrusion depth of 7–8 km of the Oligocene I-type granite; cooling below ∼500°C occurred at 25.4 ± 0.6 Ma (1σ) yielded by 40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblende. Biotite and white mica from this intrusion as well as from the mylonitic shear zone yield 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages of 17–18 Ma independent of the used techniques (in situ laser ablation, single-grain total fusion, single-grain step heating, and multi-grain step heating). White mica from the S-type granite yield an 40Ar/39Ar cooling age of 16.7 ± 0.1 Ma (1σ). Associated dikes intruding the shear zone were also affected by N-S extension resulting in the exhumation of the MCC, which was triggered by the opening of the Pannonian back-arc basin in response to the Carpathian slab-rollback.


在两个板块之间撕裂:从 40Ar/39Ar 测年和横截面平衡推断的喀尔巴阡岩板回滚的远场效应的 Cer 地块(内部 Dinarides)的掘出

横跨南部 Pannonian 盆地和内部 Dinarides 的延伸特征是沿糜棱质低角度拉伸剪切带挖掘出的渐新世变质核复合体 (MCC)。Dinarides 和 Pannonian 盆地之间过渡处的 Cer MCC 占据了最远端亚得里亚海逆冲片内的构造位置,起源于两种不同的构造过程:晚白垩世-古近纪推覆叠置在与亚德里亚较低板块位置的碰撞期间,以及与喀尔巴阡板块回滚驱动的中新世延伸相关的挖掘。整个 Cer 地块的结构数据和平衡的横截面显示出挖出的剪切带与分离断层的连接,该断层重新激活了晚白垩世早期最内部推覆接触。古生代绿片岩至角闪岩级岩性围绕着由 I 型和 S 型花岗岩组成的多相侵入体,并沿以顶部 N 输运为特征的剪切带开采。热气压分析表明渐新世 I 型花岗岩侵入深度为 7-8 公里;冷却到 500°C 以下发生在 25.4 ± 0.6 Ma (1σ) 产生的角闪石的40 Ar/ 39 Ar 测年。来自该侵入体以及糜棱质剪切带的黑云母和白云母产生40 Ar/ 39 Ar 冷却年龄为 17-18 Ma 独立于所使用的技术(原位激光烧蚀、单晶粒全融合、单晶粒步进加热, 和多粒分步加热)。来自 S 型花岗岩的白色云母产生40 Ar/ 39 Ar 冷却年龄为 16.7 ± 0.1 Ma (1σ)。侵入剪切带的相关堤防也受到 NS 延伸的影响,导致 MCC 的折返,这是由潘诺尼亚弧后盆地的开放触发的,以响应喀尔巴阡板块的回滚。