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Observing Justice at Guantánamo Bay: Human Rights NGOs and Trial Monitoring at the US Military Commissions
Human Rights Review ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s12142-021-00619-z
Kjersti Lohne

The article critically considers the role of NGOs at the US naval base in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. On the basis of observation of pre-trial hearings for the case against Khalid Sheik Mohammed et al.—those allegedly responsible for the September 11 attacks—the article analyses NGOs as trial monitors of the US military commissions set up to deal with ‘alien unprivileged enemy belligerents’. In spite of continued efforts by human rights NGOs and incremental improvements in the military commissions’ institutional arrangements and practice, the article shows how NGOs have become so much a part of the everyday operation of justice at ‘Gitmo’ that they legitimate the military commissions’ claim to be delivering fair and transparent justice.



文章严格地考虑了非政府组织在古巴关塔那摩湾美国海军基地的作用。根据对据称应对9月11日袭击事件负责的Khalid Sheik Mohammed等人的案子的审前听证的观察,文章分析了非政府组织作为美国军事委员会的审判监督者,该委员会旨在处理“弱势外国人”敌方交战国。尽管人权非政府组织继续努力,并且军事委员会的机构安排和实践不断改进,但文章仍显示非政府组织如何已成为“吉特莫”司法日常运作的重要组成部分,从而使军事委员会合法化。声称提供公正和透明的正义。
