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The Fantastic school: Catherine Malabou and an ontological basis in defence of the school
Journal of Philosophy of Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-21 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9752.12558
Sevket Benhur Oral 1

In their defence of the school Jan Masschelein and Maarten Simons define it as a source of ‘free time.’ Drawing on Catherine Malabou's compelling reading of Heidegger in her The Heidegger Change, I aim to provide a strong ontological justification for the claims made on behalf of the school concerning free time, common goods, and renewing (changing) the world: the school provides free time; it transforms knowledge and skills into common goods; and it has the potential to give everyone the time and space to renew the world. The paper enquires into what ‘free time as non-productive time,’ ‘common goods,’ and ‘changing the world’ mean on an ontological register, and why therefore the school is so precious and warrants our utmost care in the face of its conservative and progressive critics alike. I discern a single underlying notion, the notion of essence as mutability, constituting the link connecting free time, common goods, and renewal of the world.


神奇学派:凯瑟琳·马拉布(Catherine Malabou)和为学派辩护的本体论基础

Jan Masschelein 和 Maarten Simons 在为学校辩护时将其定义为“空闲时间”的来源。借鉴凯瑟琳·马拉布 (Catherine Malabou) 在她的《海德格尔变革》中对海德格尔的引人入胜的解读,我的目标是为代表学校提出的关于空闲时间、公共物品和更新(改变)世界的主张提供强有力的本体论理由:学校提供空闲时间;它将知识和技能转化为普通商品;它有可能给每个人时间和空间来更新世界。论文探讨了“作为非生产性时间的空闲时间”、“公共物品”和“改变世界”在本体论上的含义,以及为什么学校如此珍贵并值得我们在其面临的保守派和进步派批评家都一样。我发现了一个单一的基本概念,即本质的可变性概念,它构成了连接空闲时间、公共物品和世界更新的纽带。