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Rehabilitating Ranger uranium mine:scientific uncertainty, deep futures and the production of ignorance
Environmental Politics ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-20 , DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2021.1923229
Rebecca Lawrence 1, 2, 3


This research explores contestations surrounding the rehabilitation of the Ranger Uranium Mine in the Northern Territory of Australia. I highlight how particular scientific knowledges are privileged throughout the rehabilitation process, but only so long as the rehabilitation problems at hand are deemed manageable. I also argue that the implications of the immense time scales of impacts are being ignored, and the question of monitoring, remediation, and regulation thousands of years into the deep future constitutes a kind of ‘uncomfortable knowledge’. Ultimately, I contend that the legacy of the rehabilitated Ranger uranium mine will pose long-term threats to the environment and Mirarr Traditional Owners of the area, and that this slow violence constitutes a kind of unacknowledged environmental disaster, but one which is being disregarded through the active production of ignorance.


修复 Ranger 铀矿:科学的不确定性、深刻的未来和无知的产生


本研究探讨了围绕澳大利亚北领地 Ranger 铀矿修复的争议。我强调在整个康复过程中特定的科学知识是如何获得特权的,但前提是手头的康复问题被认为是可以控制的。我还认为,影响巨大时间尺度的影响被忽视了,数千年后的监测、补救和监管问题构成了一种“令人不安的知识”。最终,我认为修复后的 Ranger 铀矿的遗产将对环境和该地区的 Mirarr 传统所有者构成长期威胁,而这种缓慢的暴力行为构成了一种未被承认的环境灾难,
