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Generalizations of Efron’s theorem
Statistics & Probability Letters ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.spl.2021.109158
Yannis Oudghiri

In this article, we prove two new versions of a theorem proven by Efron in Efron (1965). Efron’s theorem says that if a function ϕ:R2R is non-decreasing in each argument then we have that the function sE[ϕ(X,Y)|X+Y=s] is non-decreasing. We name restricted Efron’s theorem a version of Efron’s theorem where ϕ:RR only depends on one variable. PFn is the class of functions such as a1an,b1bn,det(f(aibj))1i,jn0. The first version generalizes the restricted Efron’s theorem for random variables in the PFn class. The second one considers the non-restricted Efron’s theorem with a stronger monotonicity assumption. In the last part, we give a more general result of the second generalization of Efron’s theorem.



在本文中,我们证明了Efron在Efron(1965)中证明的定理的两个新版本。埃夫隆定理说,如果一个函数ϕ[R2个[R 在每个参数中不递减,那么我们有函数 sE[ϕXÿ|X+ÿ=s]不减少。我们将受限埃夫隆定理命名为埃夫隆定理的一个版本,其中ϕ[R[R 仅取决于一个变量。 PFñ 是诸如以下功能的类 一种1个一种ñb1个bñtF一种一世-bĴ1个一世Ĵñ0 第一个版本将受限的Efron定理推广到了随机变量中 PFñ班级。第二个考虑具有更强单调性假设的非限制性埃夫隆定理。在最后一部分中,我们给出了埃夫隆定理的第二个推广的更一般的结果。
