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In Memoriam Andrew Holmes-Siedle (1929鈥2019)
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-18 , DOI: 10.1109/tns.2021.3077371

Andrew Holmes-Siedle was born in Brighton, England, served in the U.K. Royal Air Force, graduated in chemistry from Trinity College, Dublin, in 1954, and completed the Ph.D. degree and post-doctoral research on the transfer of energy within biological and chemical systems at Cambridge University from 1954 to 1960. He then worked on communication satellite designs with Hawker-Siddeley (now British Aerospace). In 1962, Dr. Holmes-Siedle moved to the U.S. and became the Manager of Radiation Effects at RCA Space Center (now Lockheed Martin), where he directed basic research and spacecraft engineering support. During his time at RCA, he also served as a Visiting Scientist with the Princeton University Aerospace Engineering Department, where he investigated the physics of defects in solids and the radiation hardening of then-novel devices developed by RCA (solar cells and MOS devices). He returned to Europe in 1972 as a Senior Fellow in the Physics Department of the University of Reading, England, initiating work on the effects of far-UV radiation in dielectric films on semiconductors.


纪念安德鲁·霍姆斯-西德尔 (1929-2019)

安德鲁·霍姆斯-西德尔 (Andrew Holmes-Siedle) 出生于英国布莱顿,曾在英国皇家空军服役,1954 年毕业于都柏林三一学院化学专业,并于 1954 年完成了博士学位。 1954 年至 1960 年,他在剑桥大学获得博士学位,并从事生物和化学系统内能量转移的博士后研究。随后,他在 Hawker-Siddeley(现为英国航空航天公司)从事通信卫星设计工作。 1962 年,Holmes-Siedle 博士移居美国,成为 RCA 航天中心(现为洛克希德·马丁公司)辐射效应经理,负责指导基础研究和航天器工程支持。在 RCA 任职期间,他还担任普林斯顿大学航空航天工程系的访问科学家,研究固体缺陷物理学以及 RCA 开发的当时新型设备(太阳能电池和 MOS 设备)的辐射硬化。 1972年,他回到欧洲,担任英国雷丁大学物理系高级研究员,开始研究远紫外辐射对半导体介电薄膜的影响。