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In Memoriam Edward Leland Petersen
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-18 , DOI: 10.1109/tns.2021.3077324

Edward Leland Petersen, age 87, of Warrenton, VA, USA, passed away on April 1, 2020. Ed received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics from Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA, and the Ph.D. degree in nuclear physics from the University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA, USA. He joined the Naval Research Laboratory in 1969 as a member of the Radiation Effects Branch where he initiated his research in the area of Single Event Effects (SEEs) in electronic circuits. He made seminal contributions to the understanding of the physical mechanisms responsible for SEEs and applied that understanding to the prediction, based on laboratory experiments, of SEEs in space. Several experiments on a satellite, Microelectronics and Photonics Test Bed, integrated by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and launched in 1997, confirmed the accuracy of his predictions. His “Figure-of-Merit” approach to the calculation of error-rates has proved particularly valuable and is widely used for quick estimations of error rates.



爱德华·利兰·彼得森 (Edward Leland Petersen),享年 87 岁,来自美国弗吉尼亚州沃伦顿,于 2020 年 4 月 1 日去世。Ed 在美国俄勒冈州科瓦利斯市俄勒冈州立大学获得物理学学士和硕士学位,并在美国俄勒冈州科瓦利斯市获得物理学博士学位。美国加州大学洛杉矶分校 (UCLA) 核物理学博士学位。他于 1969 年加入海军研究实验室,作为辐射效应部门的成员,开始了电子电路单粒子效应 (SEE) 领域的研究。他对理解 SEE 的物理机制做出了开创性贡献,并将这种理解应用于基于实验室实验的太空 SEE 预测。由海军研究实验室 (NRL) 集成并于 1997 年发射的卫星、微电子和光子学测试台上的多项实验证实了他的预测的准确性。他计算错误率的“品质因数”方法已被证明特别有价值,并被广泛用于快速估计错误率。