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Evaluating imitation and rule-based behaviors of eye contact and blinking using an android for conversation
Advanced Robotics ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-21 , DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2021.1928544
Akishige Yuguchi 1 , Tetsuya Sano 1 , Gustavo Alfonso Garcia Ricardez 2 , Jun Takamatsu 2 , Atsushi Nakazawa 3 , Tsukasa Ogasawara 2

In this paper, we investigate which approach to generate eye behaviors using an android robot makes what impressions on humans and clarify which are the important factors for attractive eye behaviors. Thus, we evaluate the human impression of eye behaviors displayed by an android robot while talking to a human by comparing the motions generated by the two approaches. In the first approach, we develop a method to imitate human eye behavior obtained from eye trackers. In the second approach, we control the eye direction, eye-contact duration, and eyeblinks based on the findings of human eye behavior in psychology and cognitive research. In the experiments, we asked male and female subjects to evaluate their impression by comparing the eye behaviors with an android that controls the eye-contact duration and eyeblinks by editing the imitation parameters or the rule-based behavior. In the experiments, we asked subjects to evaluate their impression of different eye behaviors displayed by an android. The eye behaviors were generated by modifying the imitation parameters or the rule-based behavior, which resulted in different eye-contact duration and eyeblink duration and timing. From the results, we found that (1) the imitation and rule-based behaviors showed no difference in terms of human-likeness, (2) the 3-second eye contact obtained better scores regardless of the imitation or rule-based eye behavior, (3) the subjects might regard the long eyeblinks as voluntary eyeblinks, with the intention to break eye contact, and (4) female subjects preferred short eyeblinks rather than long ones and considered that short eyeblinks might be one of the keys to making eye contact more suitable, in contrast to male subjects who preferred long eyeblinks.


使用 android 对话评估眼神接触和眨眼的模​​仿和基于规则的行为

在本文中,我们研究了使用安卓机器人生成眼睛行为的哪种方法会给人类留下什么印象,并阐明哪些是吸引眼球行为的重要因素。因此,我们通过比较两种方法产生的动作来评估人类对机器人在与人类交谈时所显示的眼睛行为的印象。在第一种方法中,我们开发了一种模仿从眼动仪获得的人眼行为的方法。在第二种方法中,我们根据心理学和认知研究中人眼行为的发现来控制眼睛方向、眼神接触持续时间和眨眼次数。在实验中,我们要求男性和女性受试者通过将眼睛行为与通过编辑模仿参数或基于规则的行为来控制目光接触持续时间和眨眼的机器人进行比较来评估他们的印象。在实验中,我们要求受试者评估他们对机器人显示的不同眼睛行为的印象。眼睛行为是通过修改模仿参数或基于规则的行为产生的,这导致了不同的眼神接触持续时间和眨眼持续时间和时间。从结果中,我们发现(1)模仿和基于规则的行为在人类相似性方面没有表现出差异,(2)无论是模仿还是基于规则的眼睛行为,3秒的眼神接触都获得了更好的分数, (3) 被试可能认为长时间的眨眼是自愿的眨眼,
