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Constraints on the Formation of the Giant Daheishan Porphyry Mo Deposit (NE China) from Whole-Rock and Accessory Mineral Geochemistry
Journal of Petrology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-15 , DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egab018
Kai Xing 1, 2 , Qihai Shu 1 , David R Lentz 2

There are more than 80 porphyry (or skarn) Mo deposits in northeastern China with Jurassic or Cretaceous ages. These are thought to have formed mainly in a continental arc setting related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific oceanic plate in the Jurassic and subsequent slab rollback in the early Cretaceous. The Jurassic Daheishan porphyry Mo deposit is one of the largest Mo deposits in NE China, which contains 1·09 Mt Mo with an average Mo grade of 0·07 %. To better understand the factors that could have controlled Mo mineralization at Daheishan, and potentially in other similar porphyry Mo deposits in NE China, the geochemical and isotopic compositions of the ore-related granite porphyry and biotite granodiorite, and the magmatic accessory minerals apatite, titanite and zircon from the Daheishan intrusions, were investigated so as to evaluate the potential roles that magma oxidation states, water contents, sulfur and metal concentrations could have played in the formation of the deposit. Magmatic apatite and titanite from the causative intrusions show similar εNd(t) values from –1·1 to 1·4, corresponding to TDM2 ages ranging from 1040 to 840 Ma, which could be accounted for by a mixing model through the interaction of mantle-derived basaltic melts with the Precambrian lower crust. The Ce and Eu anomalies of the magmatic accessory minerals have been used as proxies for magma redox state, and the results suggest that the ore-forming magmas are highly oxidized, with an estimated ΔFMQ range of +1·8 to +4·1 (+2·7 on average). This is also consistent with the high whole-rock Fe2O3/FeO ratios (1·3–26·4). The Daheishan intrusions display negligible Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0·7–1·1) and have relatively high Sr/Y ratios (40–94) with adakitic signatures; they also have relatively high Sr/Y ratios in apatite and titanite. These suggest that the fractionation of amphibole rather than plagioclase is dominant during the crystallization of the ore-related magmas, which further indicates a high magmatic water content (e.g. >5 wt%). The magmatic sulfur concentrations were calculated using available partitioning models for apatite from granitoids, and the results (9–125 ppm) are indistinguishable from those for other mineralized, subeconomic and barren intrusions. Furthermore, Monte Carlo modelling has been conducted to simulate the magmatic processes associated with the formation of the Daheishan Mo deposit, and the result reveals that a magma volume of ∼280 km3 with ∼10 ppm Mo was required to form the Mo ores containing 1·09 Mt Mo in Daheishan. The present study suggests that a relatively large volume of parental magmas with high oxygen fugacities and high water contents is essential for the generation of a giant porphyry Mo deposit such as Daheishan, whereas a specific magma composition (e.g. with unusually high Mo and/or S concentrations) might be less critical.