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Climate and Social Changes: Reviewing the Equation with Data from the Huacas de Moche Archaeological Complex, Peru
Latin American Antiquity ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-20 , DOI: 10.1017/laq.2021.35
Santiago Uceda , Henry Gayoso , Feren Castillo , Carlos Rengifo

Investigations at the site of Huacas de Moche—also referred to as Huacas del Sol and de la Luna—on the north coast of Peru show a continuous occupational sequence from around AD 100 to 1500. The longest occupation corresponds to the Moche culture from around AD 100 to 850. Based on available archaeological evidence, this article examines the impact of an El Niño-like event in AD 600 on the history of Huacas de Moche. Widely held hypotheses assumed that this kind of climatic event caused the abandonment of the site; however, such explanations do not fit the current data. After almost three decades of research, archaeological evidence indicates that after the El Niño-like phenomenon of AD 600, the Old Temple of Huaca de la Luna was closed down, and the New Temple was built toward the east of the previous one, on the same slope of Cerro Blanco. Furthermore, on the opposite side of the site, the building called Huaca del Sol experienced its last and greatest architectural expansion, becoming a large-scale palace. These new lines of evidence lead us to reassess the effect that the El Niño-like phenomenon of AD 600 had on the development of the Moche culture at the site.


气候和社会变化:利用秘鲁 Huacas de Moche 考古综合体的数据回顾方程

在秘鲁北部海岸的 Huacas de Moche(也称为 Huacas del Sol 和 de la Luna)遗址的调查显示,从公元 100 年到 1500 年左右有一个连续的职业序列。最长的职业对应于公元前后的 Moche 文化100 至 850。根据现有的考古证据,本文研究了公元 600 年发生的类似厄尔尼诺现象的事件对 Huacas de Moche 历史的影响。广泛持有的假设假设这种气候事件导致了该地点的废弃;然而,这样的解释不符合当前数据。经过近30年的研究,考古证据表明,公元600年厄尔尼诺现象发生后,华卡德拉卢纳老庙被关闭,新庙建在旧庙的东侧。 Cerro Blanco 的同一斜坡。此外,在场地的另一侧,名为 Huaca del Sol 的建筑经历了最后一次也是最大的建筑扩张,成为一座大型宫殿。这些新的证据引导我们重新评估公元 600 年的厄尔尼诺现象对遗址莫切文化发展的影响。