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Conversion, Identity, and Memory in Iranian-Jewish Historiography: The Jews of Mashhad
International Journal of Middle East Studies ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020743821000039
Ariane Sadjed

The paper discusses the narratives of Jews from Mashhad, who were forced to convert to Islam in 1839. The community narrative as well as academic research is dominated by a modern understanding of religious identity and religious boundaries that fail to account for the diversity of practices among the community of converts, including multiple forms of religious belonging, and the switching of identities according to time and place. Based on historical sources and interviews with descendants from the Mashhadi community, the paper traces how a particular narrative of the history of the Jews from Mashhad prevailed and which significance this narrative entails for Mashhadi community and identity until today. While the Jews from Mashhad are a rather unique case among Iranian Jews–due to the long period in which they lived as converts–their pattern of memory building reflects a general trend among Jews from the Muslim world to assimilate to modern ideas of being Jewish.



这篇论文讨论了来自马什哈德的犹太人的故事,他们于 1839 年被迫皈依伊斯兰教。社区叙事和学术研究主要由对宗教身份和宗教界限的现代理解主导,未能解释不同宗教信仰之间的实践多样性。皈依者社区,包括多种形式的宗教归属,以及根据时间和地点的身份转换。基于历史资料和对马什哈迪社区后裔的采访,本文追溯了马什哈德犹太人历史的特定叙述是如何盛行的,以及这种叙述对马什哈迪社区和身份直到今天的意义。
