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The Reception of Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Philosophies ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-20 , DOI: 10.3390/philosophies6020042
Sina Mirzaei

In the form of a case study and based upon novel material about the reception of Spinoza’s Theological–Political Treatise (TTP) in Iran, this paper studies issues with the interactions among political, theological and philosophical ideas in the reception of Spinoza’s TTP. The paper starts with the first Iranian encounters with Spinoza’s philosophy in the Qajar era in the nineteenth century and then focuses on the reception of the TTP in the period after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. The first translation of the TTP was prepared in the 1990s by Muḥsin Jahāngīrī, but he withheld the manuscript from being published. I discuss the arguments that led him to withhold the publication of his translation; in this context, it will be important to consider the tumultuous religious and political debates, and broader questions as to the legitimacy of political power will also prove relevant. The first doctoral dissertation in Persian about the TTP will be described, followed by a description of a digital translation of the twentieth chapter of the TTP, which was published after the 2009 election protests. The article ends with discussing translator Ali Ferdowsi’s motivation to produce the first complete Persian translation of the TTP, published in Tehran in 2017. In conclusion, it will be discussed to which extent the theocratic political context in the country caused interest in the TTP.



本文以个案研究的形式并基于有关斯宾诺莎的《神学—政治论》(TTP)在伊朗接受的新颖材料,研究了斯宾诺莎的TTP在接受政治,神学和哲学思想之间相互作用的问题。本文从19世纪卡贾尔时代伊朗人第一次与斯宾诺莎的哲学相遇开始,然后着重于1979年伊斯兰革命后时期对TTP的接受。TTP的第一版译本是在1990年代由MuḥsinJahāngīrī编写的,但他保留了手稿的出版权。我讨论了导致他拒绝发表他的译文的论点。在这种情况下,考虑动荡的宗教和政治辩论非常重要,政治权力的合法性等更广泛的问题也将证明是相关的。将描述波斯语中有关TTP的第一篇博士论文,然后描述TTP的第二十章的数字翻译,该数字翻译是在2009年大选抗议后出版的。文章最后讨论了译者阿里·费多西(Ali Ferdowsi)制作第一本完整的TTP波斯语译本的动机,该译本于2017年在德黑兰出版。最后,将讨论该国的神权政治背景在何种程度上引起了TTP的兴趣。