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NP-ellipsis and numeral classifiers in Korean
Linguistics ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.1515/ling-2021-0065
So-Young Park 1

The syntactic status of numeral classifiers with respect to NP-ellipsis in classifier languages has been a controversial subject in many recent discussions. Addressing this issue, this article argues that Korean numeral classifiers can serve as functional heads that license NP-ellipsis via PF-deletion. A null NP appearing in a numeral classifier context cannot be identified with any other null categories, such as a pro or a null NP pro-form. This null NP induces a different reading from a pro, especially when a possessor argument is stacked with a numeral classifier construction. Unlike an NP pro-form, it allows the extraction of an internal argument and exhibits a complementary distribution with kes ‘one’, a visible counterpart of a Korean NP pro-form. This article’s claim gains additional support from the asymmetries in NP-ellipsis of a uy -marked numeral classifier, contingent on its ambiguity, such as a ‘quantity’ or ‘property’ interpretation. In addition, the distribution of bare numerals in relation to the NP pro-form kes offers further evidence, reinforcing the claim.



在最近的许多讨论中,数字分类器相对于分类器语言中的NP省略号的句法地位一直是一个有争议的主题。针对此问题,本文认为,韩国数字分类器可以用作通过PF删除许可NP省略号的功能标头。出现在数字分类器上下文中的空NP不能用其他任何空类别(例如pro或null NP形式)来标识。此空NP会引起与专业人士不同的读取,尤其是当拥有者参数与数字分类器构造堆叠在一起时。与NP形式不同,它允许提取内部参数,并显示与ke'one'的互补分布,ke'one'是韩国NP形式的可见对等物。本文的主张获得了uy标记数字分类器的NP省略号不对称性的进一步支持,具体取决于其模糊性,例如“数量”或“属性”的解释。此外,与NP格式有关的裸数字分布提供了进一步的证据,从而进一步证明了这一主张。