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The Dopamine Hypothesis of Autism Spectrum Disorder Revisited: Current Status and Future Prospects
Developmental Neuroscience ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-19 , DOI: 10.1159/000515751
Denis Pavăl 1 , Ioana Valentina Micluția 2

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) comprises a group of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by social deficits and stereotyped behaviors. Despite intensive research, its etiopathogenesis remains largely unclear. Although studies consistently reported dopaminergic anomalies, a coherent dopaminergic model of ASD was lacking until recently. In 2017, we provided a theoretical framework for a “dopamine hypothesis of ASD” which proposed that autistic behavior arises from a dysfunctional midbrain dopaminergic system. Namely, we hypothesized that malfunction of 2 critical circuits originating in the midbrain, that is, the mesocorticolimbic and nigrostriatal pathways, generates the core behavioral features of ASD. Moreover, we provided key predictions of our model along with testing means. Since then, a notable number of studies referenced our work and numerous others provided support for our model. To account for these developments, we review all these recent data and discuss their implications. Furthermore, in the light of these new insights, we further refine and reconceptualize our model, debating on the possibility that various etiologies of ASD converge upon a dysfunctional midbrain dopaminergic system. In addition, we discuss future prospects, providing new means of testing our hypothesis, as well as its limitations. Along these lines, we aimed to provide a model which, if confirmed, could provide a better understanding of the etiopathogenesis of ASD along with new therapeutic strategies.
Dev Neurosci



自闭症谱系障碍 (ASD) 包括一组以社会缺陷和刻板行为为特征的神经发育障碍。尽管进行了深入研究,但其发病机制仍不清楚。尽管研究一直报道多巴胺能异常,但直到最近才缺乏一致的 ASD 多巴胺能模型。2017 年,我们为“ASD 的多巴胺假说”提供了一个理论框架,该假说提出自闭症行为源于功能失调的中脑多巴胺能系统。也就是说,我们假设起源于中脑的 2 个关键回路,即中脑边缘和黑质纹状体通路的故障会产生 ASD 的核心行为特征。此外,我们提供了模型的关键预测以及测试方法。自那以后,大量研究引用了我们的工作,许多其他研究为我们的模型提供了支持。为了解释这些发展,我们回顾了所有这些最近的数据并讨论了它们的影响。此外,根据这些新见解,我们进一步完善和重新概念化我们的模型,讨论 ASD 的各种病因是否集中在功能失调的中脑多巴胺能系统上。此外,我们讨论了未来的前景,提供了检验我们的假设的新方法,以及它的局限性。沿着这些思路,我们旨在提供一个模型,如果得到证实,可以更好地了解 ASD 的发病机制以及新的治疗策略。此外,根据这些新见解,我们进一步完善和重新概念化我们的模型,讨论 ASD 的各种病因是否集中在功能失调的中脑多巴胺能系统上。此外,我们讨论了未来的前景,提供了检验我们的假设的新方法,以及它的局限性。沿着这些思路,我们旨在提供一个模型,如果得到证实,可以更好地了解 ASD 的发病机制以及新的治疗策略。此外,根据这些新见解,我们进一步完善和重新概念化我们的模型,讨论 ASD 的各种病因是否集中在功能失调的中脑多巴胺能系统上。此外,我们讨论了未来的前景,提供了检验我们的假设的新方法,以及它的局限性。沿着这些思路,我们旨在提供一个模型,如果得到证实,可以更好地了解 ASD 的发病机制以及新的治疗策略。