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SuperVoxHenry Tucker-Enhanced and FFT-Accelerated Inductance Extraction for Voxelized Superconducting Structures
arXiv - CS - Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science Pub Date : 2021-04-27 , DOI: arxiv-2105.08627
Mingyu Wang, Cheng Qian, Enrico Di Lorenzo, Luis J. Gomez, Vladimir Okhmatovski, Abdulkadir C. Yucel

This paper introduces SuperVoxHenry, an inductance extraction simulator for analyzing voxelized superconducting structures. SuperVoxHenry extends the capabilities of the inductance extractor VoxHenry for analyzing the superconducting structures by incorporating the following enhancements. 1. SuperVoxHenry utilizes a two-fluid model to account for normal currents and supercurrents. 2. SuperVoxHenry introduces the Tucker decompositions to reduce the memory requirement of circulant tensors as well as the setup time of the simulator. 3. SuperVoxHenry incorporates an aggregation-based algebraic multigrid technique to obtain the sparse preconditioner.


用于体素化超导结构的SuperVoxHenry Tucker增强和FFT加速电感提取

本文介绍了用于分析体素化超导结构的电感提取模拟器SuperVoxHenry。SuperVoxHenry通过合并以下增强功能扩展了电感提取器VoxHenry分析超导结构的功能。1. SuperVoxHenry利用双流体模型来解释正常电流和超电流。2. SuperVoxHenry引入了Tucker分解,以减少循环张量的存储需求以及模拟器的建立时间。3. SuperVoxHenry结合了基于聚集的代数多重网格技术,以获得稀疏的预处理器。