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Actions Toward Containment, Control, and Eradication of Invasive Conehead Termites (Blattodea: Isoptera: Termitidae)
Journal of Integrated Pest Management ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-15 , DOI: 10.1093/jipm/pmab015
Barbara L Thorne 1 , Sue Alspach 2 , Katherine E Tenn 2 , Marah S Clark 2

Early, strategic IPM actions can eradicate relatively new invasive conehead termite [Nasutitermes corniger (Motschulsky) (Blattodea: Isoptera: Termitidae)] populations, preventing negative economic and ecological consequences should this pest of agriculture, structures, and natural areas become permanently established and spread. Conspicuous foraging tunnels and above-ground nests are key aspects of N. corniger biology that render colonies vulnerable to discovery and elimination. Because the goal is eradication, the termites must be controlled wherever found—structure, yard, park, overgrown lot, orchard, forest, natural area, etc. Effective IPM methods exist to contain, control, and eradicate invasive nasutes. Removing and safely disposing dead plant material and stored wood helps reduce termite food and harborage, enables liquid insecticides to penetrate soil, and facilitates access for inspections. IPM involves a combination of physical interventions including nest destruction teamed with targeted insecticide applications, followed by diligent monitoring. Fumigation is required only in unusual situations. By killing colonies and reducing overall population size, alate (swarmer) dispersal can be reduced or eliminated, thus substantially slowing—with goal of halting—infested zone expansion. This paper details specific approaches, protocols, and recommendations for detection, treatment, transport prevention, and risk-based monitoring. We present practical suggestions regarding outreach, advocacy, partnerships with stakeholders, and networking with informed professionals. All recommendations stem from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ invasive conehead termite program’s best practices and lessons learned experiences during significant mitigation progress, with eradication of two populations of invasive coneheads that spread from a single introduction into Florida as an achievable goal.



早期的战略性 IPM 行动可以根除相对较新的侵入性锥头白蚁 [Nasutitermescorniger (Motschulsky) (Blattodea: Isoptera: Termitidae)] 种群,如果这种农业、结构和自然区域的害虫永久存在并蔓延,可防止负面的经济和生态后果. 显眼的觅食隧道和地上巢穴是 N.corniger 生物学​​的关键方面,它们使菌落容易被发现和消灭。因为目标是消灭白蚁,所以必须在任何发现的地方控制白蚁——建筑物、院子、公园、杂草丛生的地块、果园、森林、自然区域等。存在有效的 IPM 方法来控制、控制和消灭侵入性白蚁。清除和安全处理死去的植物材料和储存的木材有助于减少白蚁的食物和藏身之处,使液体杀虫剂能够渗透土壤,并便于检查。IPM 涉及物理干预的组合,包括破坏巢穴与有针对性的杀虫剂应用相结合,然后进行勤勉监测。只有在特殊情况下才需要熏蒸。通过杀死菌落和减少总体种群规模,可以减少或消除迟缓(更密集)的扩散,从而显着减缓——目标是停止——受侵染区域的扩张。本文详细介绍了检测、治疗、运输预防和基于风险的监测的具体方法、协议和建议。我们就外展、宣传、与利益相关者的伙伴关系以及与知情的专业人士建立联系提出实用的建议。