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Use of an artificial stream to monitor avoidance behavior of larval sea lamprey in response to TFM and niclosamide
Journal of Great Lakes Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2021.04.015
Nicholas Schloesser , Mike Boogaard , Todd Johnson , Courtney Kirkeeng , Justin Schueller , Richard Erickson

The lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) has been used in liquid form to control larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in Great Lakes tributaries since the late 1950s. In the 1980s a dissolvable TFM bar was developed as a supplemental tool for application to small tributaries as a deterrent to larvae seeking water not activated with TFM. The size, mass, and number of bars needed in some streams, as well as the location of the streams, limit the utility of a TFM bar. The development and use of an alternative niclosamide bar has the potential to use fewer bars to achieve similar results. However, the use of a niclosamide bar is dependent upon its larval deterrent capability compared to the TFM bar. In this study, we developed a laboratory-scale, simulated stream fluvarium with several avoidance areas including two side channels and a seep. The objective was to evaluate the deterrent capabilities of TFM and niclosamide. We found similar behavioral responses, with TFM and niclosamide having similar capabilities to prevent sea lamprey from seeking refuge in side channels and seep avoidance areas. TFM-treated side channels and seep increased sea lamprey occupancy in the main channel 2.56 times more than the untreated-controls (95% CI 1.63–4.14) whereas niclosamide-treated side channels and seep increased sea lamprey occupancy of the main channel 2.68 times more than the untreated-controls (95% CI 1.72–4.32). These responses indicate a niclosamide bar would effectively prevent sea lamprey escapement into freshwater during a lampricide treatment at concentrations unlikely to harm aquatic organisms.


使用人工流监测幼体海七鳃鳗对 TFM 和氯硝柳胺的回避行为

杀灭灯剂 3-三氟甲基-4-硝基苯酚 (TFM) 已以液体形式用于控制幼体海七鳃鳗 ( Petromyzon marinus) 自 1950 年代后期以来在五大湖支流中。在 1980 年代,开发了一种可溶解的 TFM 棒作为补充工具,用于小支流,以阻止幼虫寻找未用 TFM 活化的水。一些流中所需的棒的大小、质量和数量,以及流的位置,限制了 TFM 棒的效用。替代氯硝柳胺棒的开发和使用有可能使用更少的棒来实现类似的结果。然而,与 TFM 棒相比,氯硝柳胺棒的使用取决于其对幼虫的威慑能力。在这项研究中,我们开发了一个实验室规模的模拟河流,有几个避让区,包括两个侧通道和一个渗漏区。目的是评估 TFM 和氯硝柳胺的威慑能力。我们发现了类似的行为反应,TFM 和氯硝柳胺具有类似的能力,可防止海七鳃鳗在侧渠和防渗区寻求庇护。TFM 处理的侧通道和渗流使主通道中海七鳃鳗的占有率比未处理的对照增加了 2.56 倍(95% CI 1.63–4.14),而氯硝柳胺处理的侧通道和渗流使主通道的海七鳃鳗占有率增加了 2.68 倍比未处理的对照 (95% CI 1.72–4.32)。这些反应表明氯硝柳胺棒可有效防止海七鳃鳗在杀灭灯剂处理期间以不太可能伤害水生生物的浓度逃逸到淡水中。TFM 处理的侧通道和渗流使主通道中的海七鳃鳗的占有率比未处理的对照增加了 2.56 倍(95% CI 1.63–4.14),而氯硝柳胺处理的侧通道和渗流使主通道的海七鳃鳗占有率增加了 2.68 倍比未处理的对照 (95% CI 1.72–4.32)。这些反应表明氯硝柳胺棒可有效防止海七鳃鳗在杀灭灯剂处理期间以不太可能伤害水生生物的浓度逃逸到淡水中。TFM 处理的侧通道和渗流使主通道中的海七鳃鳗的占有率比未处理的对照增加了 2.56 倍(95% CI 1.63–4.14),而氯硝柳胺处理的侧通道和渗流使主通道的海七鳃鳗占有率增加了 2.68 倍比未处理的对照 (95% CI 1.72–4.32)。这些反应表明氯硝柳胺棒可有效防止海七鳃鳗在杀灭灯剂处理期间以不太可能伤害水生生物的浓度逃逸到淡水中。
