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The effect of different social media marketing channels and events on movie box office: An elaboration likelihood model perspective
Information & Management ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2021.103481
Lin Liao , Tao Huang

Social media has become an important marketing media to attract and retain consumers. This article focuses on the movie industry and aims to investigate how different channels and events in social media marketing achieve box office success through different consumers’ responses. In reference to elaboration likelihood model (ELM), we propose our research model and test hypotheses using the data of 304 movies with the information of box office, attributes, and associated social media posts. The results show that: (1) official microblog activity increases the purchase intent through changing audience's attitude while third-party mention increases purchase intent through catching audience's attention and promoting positive attitude, and there is an interaction effect between official microblog and third-party media; (2) social media marketing events related to contents introduction promote purchase intent through central route while those related to surrounding information promote purchase intent through peripheral route; and (3) movie attributes interact with marketing intensity in affecting purchase intent. Under the same marketing intensity, the marketing effect of domestic sequel movies released on popular holidays is better. Our findings provide both theoretical and practical implications.



社交媒体已成为吸引和留住消费者的重要营销媒体。本文重点关注电影行业,旨在研究社交媒体营销中的不同渠道和事件如何通过不同消费者的反应获得票房成功。参考精化似然模型 (ELM),我们提出了我们的研究模型并使用 304 部电影的数据以及票房、属性和相关社交媒体帖子的信息来检验假设。结果表明:(1)官方微博活动通过改变受众态度来增加购买意愿,第三方提及通过吸引受众注意力和提升积极态度来增加购买意愿,官方微博与第三方媒体之间存在互动效应; (2)与内容介绍相关的社交媒体营销事件通过中心路径促进购买意向,而与周边信息相关的社交媒体营销事件通过外围路径促进购买意向;(3) 电影属性与营销强度相互作用,影响购买意愿。在同样的营销强度下,国产续集在热门假期上映的营销效果更好。我们的发现提供了理论和实践意义。在热门假期上映的国产续集电影营销效果更好。我们的发现提供了理论和实践意义。在热门假期上映的国产续集电影营销效果更好。我们的发现提供了理论和实践意义。
