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The status of black sea bass, Centropristis striata, as a commercially ready species for U.S. marine aquaculture
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-18 , DOI: 10.1111/jwas.12803
Wade O. Watanabe 1 , Patrick M. Carroll 1 , Md Shah Alam 1 , Christopher F. Dumas 1 , Jennifer E. Gabel 1 , Ted M. Davis 1 , Christopher D. Bentley 1

Black sea bass (BSB), Centropristis striata, inhabit continental shelf waters of the eastern United States and are a member of the family Serranidae comprising true sea basses and groupers. Highly sought by fishermen, BSB are sustainably managed with 2018 commercial and recreational catch quotas of 1,600 and 1,664 m.t. (3.52 and 3.66 million lb), respectively. Wild broodstock are easily caught and adapted to recirculating aquaculture systems (RASs). The initiation and duration of the spawning period are controlled by photothermal conditioning, and eggs and larvae have been produced from December through August. GnRHa (5–10 μg/g bw) implants are effective at inducing ovulation in post-vitellogenic females (>500 μm mean oocyte diameter = MOD). Fertilized eggs (0.94 mm diameter) are obtainable by strip spawning, but volitional spawning may yield higher egg quality. Most BSB develop as females and then switch to male (protogynous hermaphrodites) after several years. Yolksac larvae (YSL, 0 day post-hatching = 0 dph, 3.0 mm total length = TL) are reared to the post-metamorphic stage in RASs using greenwater Nannochloropsis oculata and enriched rotifers (2–22 dph), Artemia nauplii (16–22 dph) and enriched metanauplii (23–36 dph), and co-feeding microparticulate diets (55.5–59% crude protein (CP), 10–15% crude lipid (CL)) from 15 dph, with complete weaning by 36 dph. Environmental optima for larvae are temperature (19–22°C), salinity (28–36 g/L), light intensity (1,500 lx), and photoperiod (16 L: 8 D). Survival of YSL to 50 dph (1 g) averages 12–15%. Advanced fingerlings (mean wt. = 27 g) were stocked in 16 m3 RAS tanks (103 fish/m3) at 33 g/L and 21°C and fed a commercial diet (55% CP, 15% CL) reached mean marketable sizes of 454 g (1 lb), 568 g (1.25 lb), and 682 g (1.5 lb) in 17, 20.2, and 22.9 months post-hatching, respectively, with high growth variation. Harvest biomass density was 55 kg/m3 and feed conversion ratio was 1.1–1.2. Pasteurellosis Photobacterium damsela infections during growout were controlled by lowering water temperature. Wholesale prices for whole-on-ice BSB (0.75 lb to >2.0 lb) are size-tiered, with higher per pound prices for larger fish. BSB growers target niche markets for ultra-fresh product, which garner premium prices for fish of assorted sizes. Availability of BSB fingerlings from the University of North Carolina Wilmington's hatchery has enabled startup RAS farmers to grow and to market BSB, but commercial expansion will require investment in research to lower production costs. Research is needed to lower feed and fingerling costs, increase growth and minimize size variation through grading and selective breeding, maximize biomass densities in RAS, and biomitigate RAS nutrients by multitrophic aquaculture. In-depth economic modeling of BSB production in RAS incorporating the latest and untapped advances in culture technologies will be important to understand opportunities for improving profitability.


黑海鲈 Centropristis striata 作为美国海水养殖的商业化物种的地位

黑海鲈 (BSB), Centropristis striata,栖息在美国东部的大陆架水域,是鲈鱼科的成员,包括真正的鲈鱼和石斑鱼。BSB 受到渔民的高度追捧,以可持续的方式管理,2018 年商业和休闲捕捞配额分别为 1,600 和 1,664 公吨(352 万磅和 366 万磅)。野生亲鱼很容易捕获并适应循环水产养殖系统 (RAS)。产卵期的开始和持续时间由光热调节控制,12 月至 8 月产卵和幼虫。GnRHa (5–10 μg/g bw) 植入物可有效诱导卵黄生成后女性的排卵(>500 μm 平均卵母细胞直径 = MOD)。受精卵(直径 0.94 毫米)可通过条带产卵获得,但自愿产卵可能会产生更高的卵质量。大多数 BSB 发育为雌性,然后在几年后转变为雄性(雌性雌雄同体)。卵黄囊幼虫(YSL,孵化后 0 天 = 0 dph,总长 3.0 毫米 = TL)在 RAS 中使用绿水饲养至变质后阶段Nannochloropsis oculata和富集轮虫 (2–22 dph)、卤虫无节幼体 (16–22 dph) 和富集无节幼体 (23–36 dph),以及共同喂养微粒饮食(55.5–59% 粗蛋白 (CP),10–15 % 粗脂质 (CL)) 从 15 dph,完全断奶到 36 dph。幼虫的最佳环境是温度 (19–22°C)、盐度 (28–36 g/L)、光强度 (1,500 lx) 和光周期 (16 L: 8 D)。YSL 到 50 dph (1 g) 的存活率平均为 12–15%。高级鱼种(平均重量 = 27 克)放养在 16 m 3 RAS 水箱中(103 条鱼/m 3) 在 33 g/L 和 21°C 下喂食商业日粮(55% CP,15% CL)达到平均可销售规格为 454 g(1 lb)、568 g(1.25 lb)和 682 g(1.5 lb)分别在孵化后 17、20.2 和 22.9 个月,生长变异较大。收获生物质密度为 55 kg/m 3,饲料转化率为 1.1-1.2。巴氏杆菌发光杆菌美人鱼通过降低水温控制生长期间的感染。全冰 BSB(0.75 磅至 >2.0 磅)的批发价格按大小分级,较大鱼的每磅价格更高。BSB 养殖者瞄准了超新鲜产品的利基市场,这些市场为各种规格的鱼赢得了高价。来自北卡罗来纳大学威尔明顿孵化场的 BSB 鱼种的可用性使初创 RAS 养殖者能够种植和销售 BSB,但商业扩张将需要投资研究以降低生产成本。需要进行研究以降低饲料和鱼种成本,通过分级和选择性育种增加生长并最大程度地减少尺寸变化,最大限度地提高 RAS 中的生物量密度,并通过多营养水产养殖对 RAS 养分进行生物抑制。