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Rombon: biography of a great war landscape
Journal of Conflict Archaeology Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1080/15740773.2020.1919452
Uroš Košir 1


Mt. Rombon, located in north-western Slovenia, was a part of the Soča Front during the First World War. The conflict that lasted from the end of May 1915 until the end of October 1917 left numerous traces in the landscape, whose social meanings and understandings changed as it shifted from a landscape of peace to a place associated with war. Alongside social meanings, the human experiences with the landscape also changed. This is evident through every main episode of the landscapes constructed biography. It also became clear that this alpine landscape has had a great impact on human activities and vice versa, which is noticeable in the nature of anthropogenic features and organization of the landscape itself throughout history.




公吨。Rombon 位于斯洛文尼亚西北部,在第一次世界大战期间是 Soča Front 的一部分。从 1915 年 5 月下旬一直持续到 1917 年 10 月下旬的冲突在这片土地上留下了无数的痕迹,随着它从和平的风景转向与战争相关的地方,其社会意义和理解发生了变化。除了社会意义之外,人类对景观的体验也发生了变化。这通过景观构建传记的每一个主要情节都很明显。很明显,这种高山景观对人类活动产生了很大的影响,反之亦然,这在整个历史上的人为特征和景观本身的组织方面是显而易见的。
