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PPI-amoxicillin dual therapy four times daily is superior to guidelines recommended regimens in the Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy within Asia: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Helicobacter ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1111/hel.12816
Cailing Li 1 , Yanyan Shi 2 , Baojun Suo 1 , Xueli Tian 1 , Liya Zhou 1 , Zhiqiang Song 1

Systematic reviews suggested that the eradication efficacy of PPI-amoxicillin dual therapy is similar to that of other commonly used regimens. However, it might be affected by the medication frequency. Basic and clinical studies have shown that dual therapy administered four-times daily has a reliable pathophysiological basis and could achieve satisfactory efficacy. Therefore, a systematic review of RCTs of dual therapy and other regimens was conducted to clarify whether dual therapy is superior to guidelines recommended regimens.


每日四次 PPI-阿莫西林双重治疗优于指南推荐的亚洲幽门螺杆菌根除治疗方案:系统评价和荟萃分析

系统评价表明,PPI-阿莫西林双重治疗的根除效果与其他常用方案相似。但是,它可能会受到用药频率的影响。基础和临床研究表明,每日四次给药的双重治疗具有可靠的病理生理学基础,可以取得满意的疗效。因此,对双重治疗和其他方案的 RCT 进行了系统评价,以阐明双重治疗是否优于指南推荐的方案。