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Technology, Use and Reuse of Gold during the Middle Period: The Case of Casa Parroquial, Atacama Desert, Chile
Cambridge Archaeological Journal ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-18 , DOI: 10.1017/s0959774321000123
María Teresa Plaza , Marcos Martinón-Torres

The life-histories of gold artefacts can provide rich insight into technology and culture, but so far the potential of this research approach has not been exploited in the south central Andes. Here we present the analysis of 34 gold and silver objects from the Middle Period cemetery of Casa Parroquial (San Pedro de Atacama, northern Chile), using pXRF, SEM-EDS, PIXE and digital microscopy. Chemical analyses detected variable compositions (2.4–73.1 per cent Ag and 0.2–3.4 per cent Cu) suggesting that artisans used both native gold and artificial gold-silver-copper alloys. Based on their manufacturing techniques, quality and designs, we identify two working styles, one technically more ‘careful’ than the other. Given their elemental and technological variety, together with the lack of local production evidence, we propose that these artefacts were imported as finished objects from Tiwanaku or Cochabamba and northwest Argentina. However, we identify a series of objects that were modified or reshaped as they entered a new cultural context, revealing complex life-histories. Modifications used relatively simple mechanical means: punching, cutting and folding, most likely made in multi-craft contexts by non-metallurgists from San Pedro.


中期黄金的技术、使用和再利用:以智利阿塔卡马沙漠的 Casa Parroquial 为例

黄金制品的生活史可以提供对技术和文化的丰富见解,但到目前为止,这种研究方法的潜力尚未在安第斯山脉中南部得到开发。在这里,我们使用 pXRF、SEM-EDS、PIXE 和数字显微镜对来自 Casa Parroquial(智利北部圣佩德罗德阿塔卡马)的中期墓地的 34 件金银物品进行了分析。化学分析检测到不同的成分(2.4-73.1% 的银和 0.2-3.4% 的铜)表明工匠使用了天然金和人造金-银-铜合金。根据他们的制造技术、质量和设计,我们确定了两种工作方式,一种在技术上比另一种更“谨慎”。鉴于它们的元素和技术多样性,加上缺乏当地生产证据,我们建议这些手工艺品是作为成品从蒂瓦纳库或科恰班巴和阿根廷西北部进口的。然而,我们发现了一系列在进入新文化背景时被修改或重塑的物体,揭示了复杂的生活历史。修改使用了相对简单的机械手段:冲压、切割和折叠,很可能是由来自圣佩德罗的非冶金学家在多工艺环境中进行的。