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Equity and inclusion in extracurricular musical activities: empirical findings from Germany and implications for teaching music in secondary school
Music Education Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1080/14613808.2021.1929141
Ina Henning 1 , Johannes Schult 2


Equity issues in the field of arts and culture play an important role when it comes to extracurricular activities in education. Students with special educational needs (SEN) seem not provided with equal access. Using nation-wide random samples of fourth- and fifth-graders courtesy of the German National Education Panel Study (NEPS), the main analysis compares the amount of extracurricular musical activities of students with SEN placed in special education schools (n = 365), in general schools (n = 143), and of students without SEN in inclusive settings (n = 4048). Students placed in special education schools were significantly less likely to take classes in music schools than students with SEN placed in regular schools (and than students without SEN). There were no significant group differences regarding the attendance of concerts and theatre plays. Finally, implications for special education schools and inclusive settings are proposed.




艺术和文化领域的公平问题在教育课外活动方面发挥着重要作用。有特殊教育需要 (SEN) 的学生似乎没有平等的机会。使用由德国国家教育小组研究 (NEPS) 提供的全国范围内的四年级和五年级随机样本,主要分析比较了特殊教育学校 ( n  = 365) 中具有特殊教育意义的学生的课外音乐活动量,在普通学校 ( n  = 143) 和在包容性环境中没有特殊教育需要的学生 ( n = 4048)。与有特殊教育需要的学生相比,在特殊教育学校就读的学生在音乐学校上课的可能性要小得多(与没有特殊教育的学生相比)。在参加音乐会和戏剧表演方面没有显着的群体差异。最后,提出了对特殊教育学校和包容性环境的影响。
