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Unpacking the joy of movement – ‘it’s almost never the same’
Sport, Education and Society ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-18 , DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2021.1927695
Laura Suominen Ingulfsvann 1 , Vegard Fusche Moe 2 , Gunn Engelsrud 2


Researchers, politicians, physical educators, and children – all advocate the significance of joy of movement. Children desire movement because they find it joyful and meaningful, while politicians and physical educators are often interested in the associations between joy of movement and participation in physical activity. Researchers have different perspectives both on what joy of movement is and what it means for human beings. Our aim in this article is to try to understand how joy of movement emerges and evolves, and how children express it. We ask: when and where do children experience movement as enjoyable, and how can the children’s descriptions and our observations contribute to unpacking the joy of movement? We have chosen an affect theoretical perspective, which allows us to explore and analyse intensities and atmospheres and how children are affected by and ‘taken with’ activities and situations in which movement takes place. The analysis builds on qualitative material from four primary schools in Western Norway. Through in-depth analysis of writings, interviews and observations with 10- to 11-year-old children, we demonstrate that the joy of movement is both a pleasant state to which children are attracted and a force that provides them with feelings of belongingness as well as confidence and the courage to engage in new situations and interactions with others. We show how joy of movement grows, emerges, fades, and stays latent. In addition, how the intensities and forms of joy fluctuate across situations, environments, individuals and over time. The findings extend the knowledge base of what joy of movement can be and provide a basis to discuss the educational values of joy of movement and pedagogical implications. We suggest that considering situational and relational aspects of joy of movement is important when legitimating the educational value of movement and when facilitating joy of movement in PE.




研究人员、政治家、体育教师和儿童——都提倡运动乐趣的重要性。孩子们渴望运动是因为他们觉得运动既快乐又有意义,而政治家和体育教育者通常对运动的乐趣和参与体育活动之间的关联感兴趣。研究人员对运动的乐趣是什么以及它对人类的意义有不同的看法。我们在这篇文章中的目的是试图了解运动的乐趣是如何产生和演变的,以及儿童如何表达它。我们问:孩子们何时何地体验到运动的乐趣,孩子们的描述和我们的观察如何有助于解开运动的乐趣?我们选择了情感理论的视角,这使我们能够探索和分析强度和气氛,以及儿童如何受到运动发生的活动和情况的影响和“被吸引”。该分析基于挪威西部四所小学的定性材料。通过对 10 至 11 岁儿童的著作、访谈和观察的深入分析,我们证明,运动的乐趣既是一种吸引儿童的愉快状态,也是一种为他们提供归属感的力量。以及参与新情况和与他人互动的信心和勇气。我们展示了运动的乐趣是如何增长、出现、消退和潜伏的。此外,快乐的强度和形式如何随着情况、环境、个人和时间的推移而波动。这些发现扩展了运动乐趣的知识基础,并为讨论运动乐趣的教育价值和教学意义提供了基础。我们建议,在使运动的教育价值合法化以及促进体育运动的乐趣时,考虑运动乐趣的情境和关系方面是很重要的。
