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A green COVID-19 recovery of the EU basic materials sector: identifying potentials, barriers and policy solutions
Climate Policy ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-18 , DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2021.1922340
Olga Chiappinelli 1 , Timo Gerres 2 , Karsten Neuhoff 1, 3 , Frederik Lettow 1 , Heleen de Coninck 4, 5 , Balázs Felsmann 6 , Eugénie Joltreau 7 , Gauri Khandekar 8 , Pedro Linares 2 , Jörn Richstein 1 , Aleksander Śniegocki 9 , Jan Stede 1 , Tomas Wyns 8 , Cornelis Zandt 10 , Lars Zetterberg 11


This paper explores climate-friendly projects that could be part of the COVID-19 recovery while jump-starting the transition of the European basic materials industry. Findings from a literature review on technology options in advanced development stages for climate-friendly production, enhanced sorting, and recycling of steel, cement, aluminium, and plastics, are combined with insights from interviews with 31 European stakeholders in these sectors about the practical and economic feasibility of these technology options. Results indicate that with an estimated investment of 28.9 billion Euros, up to 20% of EU’s basic materials could be produced through low-emission processes or additional recycling by 2025 with technologies that are commercially available or at pilot scale today. However, our stakeholder consultation also shows that in order to make these short-term investments viable, six main barriers need to be addressed, namely: (i) the lack of effective and predictable carbon pricing, (ii) the limited availability of affordable green electricity, (iii) the lack of a regulatory framework for circularity, (iv) low technology market readiness and funding, (v) the lack of infrastructure for hydrogen, CO2 and power, and (vi) the lack of demand for climate-friendly and recycled materials. Based on these insights, the paper proposes elements of a policy package that can create a framework favourable for investments in these technologies; these policies should ideally accompany the recovery package to give credibility to investors that the business case will last beyond the recovery period.

Key policy insights

  • Technologies for climate-friendly materials production, sorting and recycling can be supported as part of the recovery package but require an enabling policy framework.

  • Combining continued free allocation with a Climate Contribution within the EU ETS can enhance economic viability of climate-friendly options.

  • Project-based Carbon Contracts for Difference can eliminate carbon price uncertainty for climate-friendly processes.

  • Auctions for publicly backed Contracts for Difference and Power Purchasing Agreements can guarantee price-stability of low-emission electricity.

  • Green public procurement and public-private partnerships can provide infrastructure for hydrogen, CO2 and electricity while creating demand for climate-friendly materials.

  • Revising regulations on product design and end-of-life emissions can improve sorting and recycling incentives.


欧盟基础材料行业的绿色 COVID-19 复苏:确定潜力、障碍和政策解决方案


本文探讨了气候友好型项目,这些项目可能成为 COVID-19 复苏的一部分,同时启动欧洲基础材料行业的转型。对气候友好型生产、加强分类和回收钢铁、水泥、铝和塑料的先进开发阶段技术选择的文献综述的结果,结合了对这些行业的 31 个欧洲利益相关者的采访,了解了实际和这些技术选择的经济可行性。结果表明,预计投资 289 亿欧元,到 2025 年,多达 20% 的欧盟基础材料可以通过低排放工艺或额外回收利用目前商业化或中试规模的技术生产。然而,2和电力,以及 (vi) 对气候友好型和可回收材料的需求不足。基于这些见解,本文提出了一揽子政策的要素,可以创建有利于这些技术投资的框架;理想情况下,这些政策应该与复苏计划配套,以让投资者相信商业案例将持续到复苏期之后。


  • 气候友好型材料生产、分类和回收技术可以作为回收计划的一部分得到支持,但需要一个有利的政策框架。

  • 将持续的免费分配与欧盟排放交易体系内的气候贡献相结合,可以提高气候友好型选择的经济可行性。

  • 基于项目的碳差价合约可以消除气候友好过程的碳价格不确定性。

  • 公开支持的差价合约和购电协议的拍卖可以保证低排放电力的价格稳定。

  • 绿色公共采购和公私伙伴关系可以为氢气、CO 2和电力提供基础设施,同时创造对气候友好材料的需求。

  • 修订有关产品设计和报废排放的法规可以改善分类和回收激励措施。
