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Knowledge norms of belief and belief formation: When the time is ripe to actualize one's epistemic potential
Ratio ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1111/rati.12309
Frank Hofmann 1

According to a currently popular view within the camp of knowledge lovers, knowledge is the norm of (full) belief. It says that no-one should believe p without knowing that p, and thus governs the state of belief; it is a static norm. I will argue that we need an additional, structurally different knowledge norm in order to cover cases in which a subject is such that she ought to start forming a belief. So the standard view of how knowledge governs matters of belief must be supplemented by including a further, dynamic norm. This additional knowledge norm prescribes the initiation of knowledge acquistion on condition of the epistemic potential to know (plus some further qualifications). It thus expresses the plausible thought that we should actualize our epistemic potential (under certain conditions).



根据目前知识爱好者阵营中的一种流行观点,知识是(完全)信仰的规范。它说没有人应该在不知道 p 的情况下相信 p,因此支配了信仰状态;这是一个静态规范。我将争辩说,我们需要一个额外的、结构上不同的知识规范,以涵盖主体应该开始形成信念的情况。因此,关于知识如何支配信仰问题的标准观点必须通过包含进一步的动态规范来补充。这种额外的知识规范规定了在认知潜力(加上一些进一步的资格)的条件下开始获取知识。因此,它表达了一种似是而非的想法,即我们应该实现我们的认知潜力(在某些条件下)。