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Educating ‘others’: Drawing on the collective wisdom of intercultural experts
British Educational Research Journal  ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1002/berj.3731
Eugenia Arvanitis 1

Forty invited interculturalists (both academics and non-academics) from nine countries engaged in developing a coherent culture of dialogue and collective action to address the challenge of redefining intercultural education provisions with regard to the needs of refugee children. The method of cooperative inquiry to elicit theoretical and professional expertise from the participants was adopted. This inquiry was based on four dimensions of reflective practice, drawing on experiential, presentational, propositional and practical knowledge. The intercultural experts (seen as ‘co-researchers’ and/or ‘co-subjects’) who participated engaged in a rigorous intercultural and reflexive dialogue developed in four distinct phases. The first two phases took place in their own local contexts and the final ones in a forum organised in Greece. During the forum, the participants’ diverse knowledge and experience were renegotiated to ascertain the ‘collective wisdom’ of the group and to address issues of otherness and approaches to refugee education, teachers’ training and mediation. The consensus reached by the participants included the following: the need for local communities to be supported so as to avoid and mitigate any hostility towards refugees; the urgency of a common European asylum policy; the realisation of the ‘other’ as a social construct based on hierarchical connotations and defined by diverse (meta)narratives; the urgency for providing formal/mainstream education to secure a pathway to social citizenship for refugees; the adoption of culturally responsive education practices to empower intercultural learning using refugee children’s own cultural knowledge and collaborating with parents; and the need for systemic intercultural and mediation training for teachers.



来自 9 个国家的 40 名跨文化人士(包括学术界和非学术界人士)受邀参与发展一种连贯的对话和集体行动文化,以应对根据难民儿童的需要重新定义跨文化教育规定的挑战。采用合作探究的方法,从参与者那里获得理论和专业知识。该探究基于反思实践的四个维度,利用经验、陈述、命题和实践知识。参与严格的跨文化和反思性对话的跨文化专家(被视为“共同研究人员”和/或“共同受试者”)在四个不同的阶段发展。前两个阶段发生在他们自己的当地环境中,最后两个阶段在希腊组织的论坛中进行。论坛期间,重新协商参与者的不同知识和经验,以确定该群体的“集体智慧”,并解决难民教育、教师培训和调解的差异性问题和方法。与会者达成的共识包括:需要支持当地社区,以避免和减轻对难民的任何敌意;欧洲共同庇护政策的紧迫性;将“他者”实现为一种基于等级内涵并由不同(元)叙事定义的社会结构;提供正规/主流教育以确保难民获得社会公民身份的紧迫性;采用对文化敏感的教育做法,利用难民儿童自己的文化知识并与父母合作,增强跨文化学习能力;